my first graft

how long is it that they usually take to show growth? I don't wanna re graft to early
Depending on temp where they are being held I would wait a minimum of 3 weeks before regraft.
What's an ideal temp. Or location. For how long. Sun. No sun. Any tips would be appreciated
I would say after a month you can check them. I snip the tip and see if the scion is still alive and if it looks green and alive I just reseal as I have a few more buds on the scion that can be my new tree. That said I think the strong grafts should show signs in 2 to 3 weeks in my experience but have also had some break after 5 weeks. I have had my grafts in my living area of the house near a window so the temp is between 60 and 67 degrees depending on the time of day
So is it better to get them some light. Or stay away from light then slowly onto the light
Personally I dont think the light or lack of it makes much difference. I have had them in all different levels from normal passive room light to complete darkness. Try to keep your grafts at 50-60 degrees for the first couple of weeks to promote callusing.
I keep my grafts dormant and cold until I can plant them in the nursery. They wake up the same time as the trees in the orchard. Therefore, I cannot really see if they take or not, until its late. I usually get 95% to take, so I just accept the losses and regraft the failures next year with the omega tool.

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My rootstock is starting to bud. Do I just pull off the buds. To put more energy hopefully back in?
I keep my grafts dormant and cold until I can plant them in the nursery. They wake up the same time as the trees in the orchard. Therefore, I cannot really see if they take or not, until its late. I usually get 95% to take, so I just accept the losses and regraft the failures next year with the omega tool.

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I love your confidence Ben. Lol but I guess experience has its perks. Good for you
Dont you leave 1 roostock bud to grow incase the scion may not take?

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Dont you leave 1 roostock bud to grow incase the scion may not take?

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I have never had an issue with a root stock pushing a bud if the scion dies. Once I know the scion isnt going to take then I let the root stock grow.
I have never had an issue with a root stock pushing a bud if the scion dies. Once I know the scion isnt going to take then I let the root stock grow.

Sheesh I learn something everyday...
checked my trees today 1 pear and 1 apple show a little green on the scion where the bud is, prob a little premature but got me excited
Let everything grow until its got a few inches, then remove feathers From the rootstock and the weaker of the leaders coming from the scion.

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More learning. Thanks Ben !!