MN Brassica Questions

Trophy Collector

A good 3 year old buck
When is the best time to plant brassicas in central MN? Does anyone have a preferred brassica? Also can I oversees brassicas in a bean field n how could i get good soil to seed contact. The deer r browsing the beans pretty heavy but didn't want 2 till them up cuz there still growing.
I have some mature rye I am going smash flat so it reseeds and throw my brassica in the same day. When would you roll your rye Mr Smith?
I'm gonna do the same thing. I'm waiting for the rye to mature a bit before I do it though...maybe another week or two.

You going to spray or just roll? Was thinking of attaching a fence post or similar behind my sprayer and doing it all in one pass?

Where is mr trophy collector from?
im from eastern ottertail co.
Lots of variations in soil and weather that are hard to predict.

I have had great luck on broadcasting seed in a bean field on my best soils.

Light soil, you need more rain.
Any time this month before a big rain.
When is the best time to plant brassicas in central MN? Does anyone have a preferred brassica? Also can I oversees brassicas in a bean field n how could i get good soil to seed contact. The deer r browsing the beans pretty heavy but didn't want 2 till them up cuz there still growing.

Have seen success with throwing into beans and purple top turnips, dwarf essex rape, and diakon radish a fairly common mix.

Good hard rain is all you need in a bean field for soil contact.
Any time this month before a big rain.

Yep, I have always told myself that if I see a good dose of rain in the forecast after July 1, you better get some brassica seed down. Seems like the middle of July and into most of August rain is hard to come by.
For you Mn. guys, there is a decent chance of rain on Sunday.

tomorrow morning I will scatter a bit of radish and ptt in the beans.
Any time this month before a big rain.
MO said it best here. You don't want to be in a situation planting Aug. 1 like all these bags say, and not get rain until the 15th and then get your first frost on Sept. 10-20. My best year was an Aug planting in Central MN, but I've had more years where it just didn't work out that great. I think it's important to keep up on the Nitrogen and not over seed if you plant earlier in July though. I do the bulk of my brassicas on the 4th of July and do a little bit in Aug. This year I did 2.5lbs PTTs, 1 lb FR, and 1 lb of DR per acre for my mix. 300 lbs 19,19,20 and 100 lbs of urea per acre to start.
I did brassicas and beans yesterday

Ahead of the big rain.... Yes beans, I know it's late but hoping for warm fall (experiment)
Experiment away man. I feel like I'm up to speed on the current best practices for food plotting. From here, I enjoy pondering and tinkering with ideas to use new ways to create simpler plots that do more.
Had a farmer client plant soybeans on July 1 in Central MN a few years ago. Beans produced 45-50 bushel that fall!

We will see?
Some neighbors have given up on Planting in early July due to the amount of weeds they grow. I haven't had this issue yet myself. They kill the plots and still get a lot of weeds. Apparently they have some that round up doesn't kill. If you get rain the first week you plant and you properly fertilize, I'm guessing a brassica plot will shade out all weeds???? Anyone have issues with weeds in July?
im from eastern ottertail co

I am doing mine the weekend of July 18th in SE OTC. The only reason being that I cant get there before then to do it.
We're putting in 7/25. That's about two weeks earlier than last year for us. We put a lot of time and money into understanding and amending our soil this year. We've got our fertility dialed in and I've got high hopes for magazine quality plots this fall.
We're putting in 7/25. That's about two weeks earlier than last year for us. l.

After several years, I get less picky about dates and focus on the rain. If it is after July 4 in central MN I try jump a big rain and get the brassica in. Or I may have to wait 6 weeks for the next rain.
^ This is what I learned too. Also if you can get a canopy before it gets dry in August......that sure helps things along.
Here is my planting philosphy....

Do it when I can do it and pray for rain. I dont have the option to time plantings to rains on the horizon most of the time. :(