Mixing Crimson, Red and White Clover

Victor Van Meter

5 year old buck +
I have a small (1/4 acre) TNM plot (currently rye) that I was planning to throw a mix of crimson, red and white clover in in a few weeks. I know, spring planting clover isn't ideal, but it is a tiny plot and if it fails, no big deal. Any other problems with mixing those three? Figure the Crimson takes off quick and gives a cover crop to the white and red? Thanks.

I have a small (1/4 acre) TNM plot (currently rye) that I was planning to throw a mix of crimson, red and white clover in in a few weeks. I know, spring planting clover isn't ideal, but it is a tiny plot and if it fails, no big deal. Any other problems with mixing those three? Figure the Crimson takes off quick and gives a cover crop to the white and red? Thanks.

the thing about crimson clover as a cover crop is if you go too heavy, it can shade out the germinating white/red clovers. As an FYI, yes fall planting is best, but I have also had success with spring plantings of clover but im in the northeast. Not sure how hot Ohio gets in the summer but that could be an issue. Higher heats stunt the growth of perennial clovers thus if they did not establish well, competing weeds can and will take over.

At 1/4 acre though you are not spending too much on seed or fertilizer so not to bad of an issue if you fail....minus time spent prepping the soil and such.