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Maybe trail cams aren't so bad



i don't need trail cams to know what caliber bucks I have on my properties. I must admit, the cameras aren't all that bad when u get stuff like this.

hes been a regular. Haven't seen him in person this year, but I'd like to. This specific spot is kind of a transition between my thick swamp on the right to thick oak/bramble ridge on the left. The bucks bed up on the ridge and in the swamp.
Nice buck. Any history with this one?
Cameras don't lie. Nice one.
Passed him last year as a solid 135"er. I had him right under my tree sticking it to a doe early November. I'm thinking he's a 5 this year, which gave him plenty of time to pass his seed. It's not for most but to get mega bucks u need to lay off the nice ones.

You can waste all the $ you want on having some guy tell you how to hunt your land. If the bucks aren't there, they aren't!
The best thing is, he's not the biggest one!!!
Nice buck.

I've seen this buck in person and put him at around 150". He could use some bigger brows and 4s, everything else is great. Not a huge body.

What do u guys think? 4 year old? This guy is so square and thick. I just don't see his head gear matching the body
Another upper 140s maybe 150". This isn't my camera, it's one of my fishing buddies who I let hunt on my land. Daytime too!

Pretty nice 9 point

It's crazy I hardly had a buck like these all of last year. I really believe winter severity is the most important factor in mature buck antler devolpment.
I just need better daytime movement. I didn't hunt till last weekend but caught a trespasser, who likely has caused this nocturnal movement. My neighboring woods are also used heavily, not only hunting but other recreational activities.
My habitat improvements are also contributing to my quality, and I haven't peaked yet. Still have 40 acres of nwsg to put in and an additional 20 that's needs to mature more.
Btw-we also removed around 80 does the last 5 years. I have a ton less deer than I had in the past, but still a healthy population. Insane doe densities hurt me.
It's all coming together!!!!!
Looks good dipper, how many acres do you have? I agree with winter severity and antler development, fingers crossed for another one like that! When they can recover from winter in March compared to May it makes a huge difference.

What do u guys think? 4 year old? This guy is so square and thick. I just don't see his head gear matching the body

If that deer was on our property, I would think that deer is sick with CWD. His body doesn't look good at all compared to any of the other pictures you have posted Dipper.
327 acres, 2 locations

Gunther-it's is actually possible this buck is super old. The last 2 of the 3 previous winters were really hard on our wildlife and we had numerous winter mortality incidents. 2013 and 2014 were really weak antler years. I have better quality of bucks on my farm this year than bucks that were harvested in my entire area the last 2 years. I'm not the only one in my area with beautiful bucks either. It's possible this buck has been able to age, being passed by hunters. He could be super old for all I know? He personally looks healthy to me, just really square and old looking.
I don't know? I'd like to see him in person
Nice bucks.
nice bucks Dipper, I love trail cams but next year want to get a cellular cam or two in the more intrusive spots.
New 10 not the highest scoring but mature.

I thing this is a tall 8 neighbor was talking about. If it him, another shooter

Is this a fox or tiny coyote? Head looks like a cat to me. Damn blurry Cuddeback
All mature buck movement I've been witnessing has been in thick cover. Sneaked a cam in the swamp and bam

It's very diffecult to hunt in here with the swirling winds.
Body looks 2 to me but rack is leaning 3. Mid 130s by the looks of it.
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We had the wide ten between 40 and 80 yards numerous times the last few days. He's been pretty photogenic the last few days as well.

No photos of big boy, but we saw him 3 days in a row. The hierarchy seems set. Big boy always gets the girl. The wide ten is usually near, along with the big 8. None are busted yet. Knock on woods
Year to year I debate whether trail cams hurt or help your effort ... sometimes you get more frustration by learning what you did not know. This guy was in an opposite stand I picked the same afternoon I choose my stand and arrowed my 9 point.

I am not complaining but .... my bow stand is 20 yards to his right ... big 10.jpg
That's a nice 8 tree, you'll get him