lets see some daytime bucks

Nice bucks bueller.
Nice bucks bueller. I hope you get a crack at that big one.
I am and I know where you are going with this ;). First full year of owning and hunting the place is nearly complete. Been taking it slow to learn the natural movements before I start changing things. I've got a pretty darn good idea of what's going on now.
Id current bedding areas, and enhance the most favorable due to huntability with hinge pockets. Once those trails in and around those pockets become freeways. Add some more hinge for funneling at your stand locations, you will wait for prime rut to hunt.
hinged trees are magnets for does on the verge of estrous. Your funnels aren't automatic because these does are attracted to the hinged trees like flys on crap. Those does use the hinged trees to escape bucks as they are being chased.
No consultant bs, no silly maps, just an almost automatic chance to see the biggest bucks in your neighborhood. Simple and free
There, you heard it first here!
Nice pictures everyone. Sightings and Pics are down here.
Cool stuff, thanks all for sharing.
Beautiful buck!
Here is a pic of a buck I call the rutster I have been after.
here is another buck I got pics of from last week and passed on him on the same trail he was on when his pic was taken, he was a great buck but looks young.
Beautiful buck!

He is a pretty one! His body looks a lot like the one your posting pics of. I hope he makes it though rifle season and into next yr.
Lots of great bucks on this thread! It's one of my favorites.
7 days into MO's rifle season and he's out in daylight.

2 of the buck killed by us were heading to this thin switch grass and clover patch. Out of a much thicker stand of switch.


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