Let us know if you used another name on QDMA


5 year old buck +
I have been looking at posts and see some use a different name over here since joining. If you do not mine, please let us know who you are if you changed your forum name over here. There were sooooooo many on QDMA that I followed every post to make sure I did not miss any.
I thought it would be fun to try a different name just to see how long it would take people to figure it out...:D:D
I like your avatar ha ha. But, were you not always Alpha Doe?
I believe the infamous "Alpha Doe" has come back to life.
I like your avatar ha ha. But, were you not always Alpha Doe?
That went right over your head.
Oh yeah...that was an incomplete thought...I should of said, but I decided not to. :confused:
They put me on new blood pressure medicine and the bottom side of a black snake could go over my head today. I am going back to the old stuff it makes me cough a little but is way better than medicine that does not work and makes me feel like crap!

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I hate that dry cough. Getting old stinks. Maybe some lifestyle changes are in order.
For me of course:D
I've tried to do a good job explaining in my posts that I was formerly Stickbowcrafter. Weasel is my lifelong nickname from my dad since I can remember.

Are you old regulars sick of all the QDMA people & posts yet? :eek:
I've tried to do a good job explaining in my posts that I was formerly Stickbowcrafter. Weasel is my lifelong nickname from my dad since I can remember.

Are you old regulars sick of all the QDMA people & posts yet? :eek:

Not at all, though it is a lot harder to stay on top of all the happenings lately. When we started here two years ago it was to create a place without a corporate influence where regular habitat guys could interact. No ones perfect, we've made some mistakes. We've also gotten a few things right and welcome the the influx of new blood.

It will be nice to have some really new people show up asking questions. That's the real fun in it, helping guys just getting started come up with a plan and avoid some pitfalls. It's all about QDM without the "A"
They put me on new blood pressure medicine and the bottom side of a black snake could go over my head today. I am going back to the old stuff it makes me cough a little but is way better than medicine that does not work and makes me feel like crap!

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If that is Lisinopril(sp) you are taking, I coughed for a few months after I got put on it, but it doesn't affect me like that anymore. I have been taking it for 9 months now.
Yes that is what I have been taking. I have taken it for 11 years. Keeps my BP around 110/70 but I do have a dry cough. Tried something else and the cough went away immediately, but BP went to 145/93 too. So I thought cough vs stroke, hmm - I will go with cough!

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I have been looking at posts and see some use a different name over here since joining. If you do not mine, please let us know who you are if you changed your forum name over here. There were sooooooo many on QDMA that I followed every post to make sure I did not miss any.

Yes, I'm using a different user name here. I was WTNUT on QDMA. :D
Ha ha I will throw in a Yoder some how when I register again :)
Formerly roleksy.
Not that I posted regularly before but I was bbiondo in the old days.
Nice to see a lot of the old crew here to keep sharing about the passion that we all have in common.
I quit there so long ago... Think I was either Egg Fart or Jumper Cable.