Kill the grass or the clover?


To bad this is my lawn. I got a great stand going.

The wife was having nothing to do with my idea of just turning it into a food plot.


Guess it's time for the 2-4,d.


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Looks like you tried everything to get rid of the clover but it isn't working;). What she doesn't know won't harm her :D.
LOL, don't worry about killing it - it will return next year.
I sprayed my yard once with a product called cross-bow (it's a beefed up version of 2-4D). It killed the clover, dandelions and all sorts of wife was not real happy because the yard looked real bad. It doesn't help when I routinely threaten to use round-up on it! You went out and looked and the grass was fine......I just didn't have much of it once all the actual weeds where dead!!!! I then spread some grass seed just to make her feel better.
Yep i've got some grass seed. Figure the dying clover will hold it in place.