Is it just me OR ----

I always I always have a stiff or sore back and I am sure I lift everything wrong but I sure don't want what you have George damn!!!!

Hey WTNUT looks like you woke up the forum with this thread. Nice going :)

Well let me throw this one at you. I am planting the following soon in. Trellises. Winter White Pearmain, Ashmead's Kernel, Sp[itzenburg, Swaar, Roxbury Russett, Cox Orange Pippen, Idared, Albemarle Pippin, Harrison, Winesap, Grimes Golden, Gold Rush, Keepsake, Northern Spy, Baldwin, Arkansas Black and Melrose. What is your favorite?
Not sure as I don't have a lot of those varieties i.e. Swaar, Albermarle pippin, Keepsake, Harrison, Melrose and Winter White Pearmain but I know where to get scions next year ;). I have only tasted Ark Black (so good) Goldrush, Grimes Golden,Northern Spy and Ashmeads Kernel and I love them all. Great varieties for eating and cider. Should get some fruit fro. Cox, Winesap,Roxbury and hopefully Baldwin this fall. Good luck with all those and it's an awesome list I am making a list of all my varieties with a. Little description to put in a binder now. I think I will be close to 90 varieties after I graft this years scions and 7 different Asian pear varieties and about 3 different peach and 4 different plum varieties. Man I am getting tired lol
What do you guys think of Goldrush ?? I tried it this past fall for the first time and I thought it was really tasty. Sweet / tart and snappy crisp. Thinking I might go for some Roxbury Russets too. I've been leaning toward them the last 2 years !!
I'm not an apple guy at all, but it seems to me they are susceptible to CAR???
Good disease resistance but Goldrush is susceptible to cedar apple rust. Depending on which strains of CAR or quince rust in your area and the weather, it might not be more than some spots on the leaves. It is a late apple so it might not ripen for far northern growers. I've not tasted one but it seems popular for eating and cider. For a deer apple, I've got 3 started where I hope to hunt over them in PA's after Christmas flintlock season.
I'm not an apple guy at all, but it seems to me they are susceptible to CAR???
What do you guys think of Goldrush ?? I tried it this past fall for the first time and I thought it was really tasty. Sweet / tart and snappy crisp. Thinking I might go for some Roxbury Russets too. I've been leaning toward them the last 2 years !!
I like them, but I can't mature them up here, so I don't grow them. I helped a friend with his orchard, they seem to be a good apple for deer, fairly upright growth habits , but I believe training was not bad. Disease resistance is real good on scab, but I believe they have only modest DR to FB and CAR. Do you want to grow them for yourself or deer?
I grow and they are tasty and excellent for deer as they hang late and can take temps down to 22 without getting mushy. Yes upright growth and so far no issues with any disease. It's good for cider as well with high sugar content. They don't ripen until mid to late November but I eat them even before that. They are sold by Cummins as disease resistant
I am a fan of Goldrush, especially for deer. Ripens late, about mid to late November here. Will usually hold until late December or early January. The only full sized apple that I have found to hold later into the winter is Galarina.
I am a fan of Goldrush, especially for deer. Ripens late, about mid to late November here. Will usually hold until late December or early January. The only full sized apple that I have found to hold later into the winter is Galarina.

What state are you in and how late do they hold (Galerina that is)? I have a few younger trees and plan to graft some Galerina onto some of the trunks I have left from last years FB cutting. I will know tomorrow if I can rob enough scions from my younger trees.
Go with the Galarina they hold late in Pa and the deer love them and they are also very tasty apples as well Graft as many as you can lol Mine were still hanging in January this year with my Goldrush
They list as maturing around Sept. 25. Do they just hang forever unless harvested.
They list as maturing around Sept. 25. Do they just hang forever unless harvested.
I don't know where maybe Southern PA but in Northern PA they don't ripen until mid to late November. Usually there is a 2 to 3 week difference between where I am and what Adams County Nursery says.
How long have you stored scions successfully?
How long have you stored scions successfully?
2 plus months. I got my Grin scions early Jan and won't be grafting until mid March. Just keep them humid and cold but not too wet to get moldy
Goldrush get chewed up by CAR on my farm but it doesnt seem to impact the fruit. I do think they are very tasty and they hang late.

My land is located in Western New York about 10 miles form the Pa. state line. I still had Galarina's hanging when I visited camp near the end of January. I plan on grafting a few this spring on some B118 and MM111 rootstock that was left over from last year.
Maya ..... post #66 - I have 3 Goldrush planted at camp for the last 3 years. They're planted for deer, but we'll eat a few too. We had our first fruit this past fall and they were really tasty. CAR isn't a problem for us at camp because we don't have any cedars around for miles ( cedars are the alternate host for the fungus - for those who don't know ). When I asked what guys thought of Goldrush, I was asking about taste. Aero and some others were talking about cider apples that were also good tasting - Goldrush fell in the conversation !!

Can you grow Galarina up there ?? What varieties would you recommend for deer plantings for northern growers ?? I have a feeling many guys would be interested in your opinion on that topic !!
Maya ..... post #66 - I have 3 Goldrush planted at camp for the last 3 years. They're planted for deer, but we'll eat a few too. We had our first fruit this past fall and they were really tasty. CAR isn't a problem for us at camp because we don't have any cedars around for miles ( cedars are the alternate host for the fungus - for those who don't know ). When I asked what guys thought of Goldrush, I was asking about taste. Aero and some others were talking about cider apples that were also good tasting - Goldrush fell in the conversation !!

Can you grow Galarina up there ?? What varieties would you recommend for deer plantings for northern growers ?? I have a feeling many guys would be interested in your opinion on that topic !!
Bows I know you didn't ask me but if looking for deer apples Enterprise and Liberty also come to mind with supposed disease resistance. I also had Cripps Pink hanging late because they ripen late or not at all but the deer don't care if they aren't ripe I think Cripps may have some fire blight issues. I also have Jonagold hanging late in my back orchard which is where apI have my rifle stand
Thanks, Aero. I've already got 4 Enterprise and 4 Liberty planted !! I learned from all you guys on here and the old place about the good DR types. Is the Cripps Pink the same as Pink Lady ?? I've eaten some Pink Lady apples and they're a super eater. I have 7 P.L. in the fridge now. How are Jonagold for fussy care ??
Cripps Pink is Pink Lady yes and Jonagold not hard at all and has been a big producer and hang late at least this past year