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"Hear and stalk" red stag


5 year old buck +
I just had the most incredible experience of my hunting career. After a long day trekking around the mountains and calling to roaring red stags, i finally located one in a huntable location. He would respond to my hind calls, but unfortunately he wouldn't budge from his spot. After sneaking around downwind of him and calling the whole time, i had to cross a ravine and scale a steep slope to get up to him, while keeping juniper bushes and pine trees between us. I kept calling, and he kept roaring. Sounded like he was losing his mind. I finally got into position and could see his antlers in my scope, but again, he wouldn't budge from his spot. I kept up the hind calls while I closed the distance, literally crawling up the slope. He started getting restless and moving around. I got behind the trunk of a pine tree and peeked around. There he was, about 20 yards away, up above me, quartering toward me. I put the crosshair low-right on his chest and fired. He dropped immediately and rolled.

Nice hunt & stag! How old do you think he is?
You’re having all the fun and suppressors to boot!
Nice stag, congrats!
Nice hunt & stag! How old do you think he is?

Thanks! Really hard to say how old. But I think he's just past his prime. Maybe 10-12 years?