Have you shot a mature buck following his immature totie/toty(sp)


5 year old buck +
The past several rifle season bucks I have shot, have all been following there totie/totys. I am not sure where I heard or read the term, but totie/toty (not sure proper spelling and hope someone does) is short for the smaller immature buck that a more mature buck follows through the woods. I can't fully understand why a larger buck would do this, other than the fact that they KNOW BETTER, and will let the small one take the "shot" for them?

Have you harvested any larger mature bucks following smaller immature bucks?
Nope. It's the chicks that get them in trouble, shot lots of bucks following a doe.

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The past several rifle season bucks I have shot, have all been following there totie/totys. I am not sure where I heard or read the term, but totie/toty (not sure proper spelling and hope someone does) is short for the smaller immature buck that a more mature buck follows through the woods. I can't fully understand why a larger buck would do this, other than the fact that they KNOW BETTER, and will let the small one take the "shot" for them?

Have you harvested any larger mature bucks following smaller immature bucks?
Absolutely. Last year the 3.5 I shot was tagging along with 2 yearlings. They sparred a bit and just walked around the staging area together. This was on Nov. 2 Two years ago it was a 4.5 following a doe. He had a yearling buck right with him the whole time I watched them before I shot. That was on Nov.3
My gun buck in 2014 was following 2 little bucks into the plot. I feel like the big boys let the little guys come out and if they aren't spooked or anything like that, they feel it is safe for them to enter the area.

I did have an encounter in late October in 2010 when a 4 year old was following a 2 year old. No sign of any rut from either of them which surprised me.
Nope. All the older 3 and 4 year old bucks I have shot have been loners. Either with a girl or looking for one or looking for a fight over a girl. No "wingman" so to speak. This is so true on my place I try to watch a doe very closely for as long as I can before I will shot one when the time is right. If she is acting funny and keeps looking back - I'm gonna wait......hopefully Mr. Big'N'Horny is coming!

I do have a duo (or at least did) of what appears to be a 2 and 3 year old bucks with hard antlers on trail cam last month. I would however fully expect them to part ways soon, if they haven't already.
My biggest buck in Pa. ( a 10 pt. ) was following a line of about 8 does, walking on a bench on the last day of the rifle season. It was just after an ugly, windy, snow and sleet storm had ended and the sun was beginning to break thru. They seemed to be heading for a group of oaks to feed on plentiful acorns under the snow. Meal interrupted !!

I've killed bucks alone, following does, and with other bucks. I'd say most times they were following behind does, either for rutting purposes or the " you go out first " thing.
I think older deer let young ones go out ahead all the time, I've seen it with bucks and does. It always seems like the young stuff comes out to feed first...some old does are down right ruthless the way they let their fawns play "canary" to see if it is safe for them.
It's probably just me projecting human traits on animals while I watch from a tree and the older stuff is just smarter and spookier and the younger ones are just dumb yet.
One of the two mature bucks I shot was about 10 yards behind, following a younger one he was in a lot of trail pics with that summer and and early fall.
Do you think thats what these guys are discussing?MDGC0091.JPG