Habitat Happening: Live Blog!

He is 100% correct though, he is powerless to stop dogs, poachers, and cross taggers unless he gets them in the act. .

I will argue that. As much as I hate that it happens, these guys are trained to get guilty to confess. They walk a slippery line to get the confession, but they do it every day. Yours either does not subscribe, or your bad guys are not in the top 10% in his book. My views can not be considered fact, but are based upon experience. When they know the guys are rotten, they find ways to make them pay.
I will argue that. As much as I hate that it happens, these guys are trained to get guilty to confess. They walk a slippery line to get the confession, but they do it every day. Yours either does not subscribe, or your bad guys are not in the top 10% in his book. My views can not be considered fact, but are based upon experience. When they know the guys are rotten, they find ways to make them pay.
Watching North Woods Law I see this happen all the time..they don't have a case most times but they get the confession.
I called google today and told them the earth image is over two years old and they need to update it. The plots are missing.
Well maybe not so easy being they aren't cheap but they are a lot of fun. Instant gratification on measuring habitat success whenever wanted/needed
Got this for a buddy tonight, but shortly after I thought j crashed and lost it in the middle of the woods :(. luckily the flight log led me right to it in a swamp, lucky lucky tonight.

Even if a guy could hire it done. I'd rather spend a fraction of the drone and just pay someone to come fly it and take a picture. I appreciate the idea. Hadn't thought of that.
My buddy was up with his ultra light last night and spotted some deer. The engine only cut out once! It restarted when he was 70 feet off of the ground.
My buddy was up with his ultra light last night and spotted some deer. The engine only cut out once! It restarted when he was 70 feet off of the ground.

A friend bough a parachute plane this spring. With the noise it makes deer would scatter to the next section!
Even if a guy could hire it done. I'd rather spend a fraction of the drone and just pay someone to come fly it and take a picture. I appreciate the idea. Hadn't thought of that.

Thats where I was at too, but figured I'd rather get it so I can offer free services to friends and be able to take a peek at my plots and tree plantings over time. beats waiting years for updated imagery. we were able to see my buddies plots, improvements, aerial cabin view, confirm that a neighbor has a tripod on an island in the middle of the swamp on state land, and identify where deer are travelling in the swamp and locate sweet stand locations all without having to trek into the woods and get eaten alive by skeeters. plus, got a really cool picture of the neighbors wheat harvest with the sun setting. all in all, well worth the cost. plus, I'm going to try and negotiate my services to our golf course for a free membership next year.
A friend bough a parachute plane this spring. With the noise it makes deer would scatter to the next section!
He told me he circled over two nice bucks at a 200 foot altitude. It does make noise and I don't really like it around when I bow hunt. He flew over my swamp one day when I was sitting in a tree along the edge.

I suspect like anythigng else, previous experience of the deer with planes and tolerated altitude makes a difference.
Finally! Marvin got home today and sent me the pics. Here we go...

Marv got a hillbilly gate put up across the road approach. It also looks like the rye/ladino clover I seeded over the top is starting to take hold. This shocks me, because it is packed gravel on top.

He saw a few PTT that looked like they were either growing outside the soil or were pushed up by deer.

I declare a victory here for spraying off and reseeding the trails to white ladino and rye.

You think your soybeans are getting hammered huh? Check out this damage. All is not lost. More to come on this....

He brought the cat up for the week as well.
Here's a black spruce update. These were planted this spring. Looks like it filled out nicely for it's first year.

This spray and pray didn't take very well. Clear problem where the bucket scooped up a little topsoil. We'll get back next year and rough it up and get it fixed.

Overall, seems like we're getting some nice PTT bulb development.
These two pics are from roughly the same vantage point. These are about 7 days apart. This is the bombed out overbrowsed soybean plot you've been seeing all summer. It was overseeded with a brassica blend and rye.


Great pictures!!
The pumpkin experiment looks like a win for this year. We got some opportunity on getting the fertility right, but main thing is we've got pumpkins!






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Here are some wide shots of the new plots. They are coming on strong, but we seeded it too heavy again. All things considered, this was my fault for not being able to properly scrarify the ground a little and get better seed to soil contact. But then again, I didn't plan a shotgun wedding reception for the weekend we'd agreed to go up and get these plots in either. But we're not pointing fingers...


We did luck into a few places that got seeded right.
Some of the edges are showing great spacing and growth.
I was a little impressed that something was pushing in the exclusion cage to browse the check beans.

And we got the evidence to convict the culprits. Those two were knelt at that cage rooting around between the wire to get at the beans.


Six deer. That's tied for most deer in one trail cam pic so far. Hoping for a bigger pic when they really get turned on to these plots.

If you ever wondered if you planted the right stuff, these pics are good feedback.

One of our fawns is sporting little nubs.
Here's a time lapse for one of our new plots. Times are correct.


When the trip was over, marv headed for home. This is how the cat travels when they go up north or any other distance trip.
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