Frost seeding 2020

Neither Frosty or VNS berseem will germinate until soil temps are near 60. By then, a hard frost would be relatively unusual in most locations. Frosty does extend the season over VNS or other named varieties of berseem due to its increased cold tolerance. Most other berseems will get zapped right around the freezing mark.

I’ve read a couple reports on berseem, and all say it germinates early (both VNS & Frosty) and in doing so, is prone to damage by late frosts - Frosty berseem solves this issue.

Both of these clips are in reference to VNS Berseem, with mention of Frosty. Not trying to be difficult, just want to see accurate info out there.
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well, sent the email to get the 50 lb bag on its way, now waiting to hear back.

description follow:

Gallant Red Clover
A perennial clover adapted to all areas of the Northeast and Midwestern. Gallant is extremely persistent because of its high resistance to the major diseases that affect red clovers. Gallant was developed to have excellent winter hardiness, better quality forage, and is a very high yielding clover with outstanding disease resistance. Excellent persistence combined with strong spring green-up and fast recovery after cutting and heavy grazing. It may be seeded alone or used in mixes, an excellent clover for frost and dormant seeding. Outstanding choice for wet and lower fertility soil types that alfalfa can’t tolerate.

Look into Rennovation clover as well. It was designed for the no till farmer. Guys are raving about it
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any pricing info on the renovation clovers?
On welters website

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yowzers, 5.90 a lb.
yowzers, 5.90 a lb.
But, for a recommended rate for a pure stand @ 5lbs/acre, that's not too bad.
If I'm going to spend $7+ per lb with shipping for clover seed, I'm going to plant it in late summer along with winter rye. That's just me though
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Don't forget the small batch fee.
I picked up 2# of Frosty Berseem and a local place for $8.00. I have a few bare spots in one lot that I am going to hit this weekend. For $8 it's worth a shot.
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I have 50lbs of medium red clover going on 1.5 acres Friday morning.
yikes, too much seed for 1.5 acres bud!

I realize it depends on coated or non coated seed but wow.
yikes, too much seed for 1.5 acres bud!

I realize it depends on coated or non coated seed but wow.
It's experimental. It was hayed in September and I'm doing no prep besides that. I'm trying to overwhelm the grasses that will be coming back and dilute them.
Just got hime, was down tossin seed. spread the last of my red from last fall. Spread it on two plots that were thin on clover, but too thick to give up on. saw about 30 deer in an hour and a half, no sign of sheds this trip. When I walked up the sidewalk i see UPS dropped off my order from Merrit seed! A majority of that will go down this weekend, 3 plots need a mow and spray till dead treatment to rid the foxtail.
My frost seeded balansa was a flop last year. I have some left over that I am going to try again this spring. The best luck I have had frost seeding was was BOB clover (pure trophy from frigid forage) following a brassica plot. The plot was bare dirt in the spring and we got plenty of rain after seeding. That was one of the best clover plots i have ever had. I am not saying it was from the seed i used. More likely just had the perfect conditions.
From Green Cover Seed: "The biggest disadvantage with balansa clover is that its very prone to be hard seeded. In fact nearly a third to one half of the product will come hard seeded, meaning that these seeds may germination over several years."
Not a bad thing I guess. Will definitely have to up seed rates when using it if that is the case.

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you can look at that as a plus also, lets say the plants las 5 years, but some of the seed germinates in 2 years, the plot now has extended its life by 2 years.
Unless it re seeds extremely well I don’t think anyone is going to get that kind of life out of an annual.

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From Green Cover Seed: "The biggest disadvantage with balansa clover is that its very prone to be hard seeded. In fact nearly a third to one half of the product will come hard seeded, meaning that these seeds may germination over several years."

Our Balansa from this past fall was a flop. The Durana looks great. Will be slinging my leftover Balansa this weekend.
Looks like the word is out on the Rennovation, any word on Legacy?