Deer have disappeared

I just received a call back from the conservation officer. She issued (in her words) the one and only warning to the owners today. Asked me to email photos and said next time she hears something on these dogs she would be issuing them a ticket(her words). Apparently the fawn that these dogs killed affected her personally(as she was there when it died).
From the 2014 MN Regs:

No persons may allow their dog to chase or kill big game.
Between January 1 and July 14, a dog that is observed wounding, killing,
or pursuing in a way that endangers big game may be killed by any person.
peace officer or conservation officer may kill a dog that endangers big game at
any time of


Riggs...just out of curiosity is your warden's first name Rhonda...out of L.P.?
No, I thought so originally but mine is out of Little Falls.
Sorry to change the direction of this thread it wasn't my intent. I'm trying to do the responsible thing and I don't have any intentions on killing these dogs. I will however protect my investment and not let shitty dog owners ruin what I have worked so hard for. My beef is with the owners first and foremost as dogs are easily dealt with if need be. They have a choice, keep dogs on property or face other consequences. They will be lucky if they only have to deal with warden as I am much more irrational and unstable.
No, I thought so originally but mine is out of Little Falls.
Husband and wife are both wardens and are good at what they do.
I took my neighbor from the lake up to my land for a little "tour" the other day. Just as we were getting near my gate.....a dog (a big mastiff) comes from my neighbors land with a chicken in his mouth.....through my locked gate and onto my property. Must be my neighbors chicken and his dog too.

I tried to get my gate open and catch up to the dog.....whom I saw slip into the big swamp on my land. I could not catch him. I assume he slips onto my land to eat the chickens so my neighbor doesn't get after him.

At one time I had some run-in's with his dogs. But he promised to keep them home and has kept his word. I'll have to tell him about the chicken dinner.
I have had daytime pictures of bucks, does and fawns.
Our land in KS seems to be overrun with does and fawns and very few bucks on it. Better change soon or next year it will be an all out assault on female deer.
Anybody else seeing this?...Report from the neighbor (pulling chips) is the deer are starting to filter back in. Numerous does and fawns on the camera but they are all nocturnal. Last three days activity all night long, 9:00pm-4:30 am. Very little pressure and no change in land activities. I must say this has been the strangest start to a bow season I can remember!
Are you in wolf territory? Predators could be moving the deer around. Otherwise I don't worry much about shifts in movement. Food sources and weather can be a huge factor.
Most of my pictures have been middle of the night with a few daylight does. I hunted Sunday night not far from my camper and saw 2 bucks come out pretty early around 6:00. First was a fat 2 yr old and then a small 6 ptr. They staged under a single oak tree for quite awhile and then headed out to bigger plots right at dark.