decided not to do summer plots this year, gearing up to hit em hard late summer.

You may be the last one putting in plots, except for maybe Huntall. Some of us are getting or have had frost already.
yeah, we had a fluke frost last night, but going to be 64 tomorrow, and for about the remainder of the week.... rains towards the end of the week, which is the biggest blessing I could ask for, nothing worse than having 5 acres of seed just sit there basking in the sun when it could be up and growing.
do you have any more info on your landscape rake/ripper
um, its about 8 feet wide, curved rake teeth, like any other rake you see being used on a ballfield, but has a set of ripper teeth...... next time I am down that ay I'll get better pictures, possibly look to see if I can figure out a brand name.

similar to this, but I have no wheels on the back.

this is the shocker of the month, High Sugar Grass, phenomenal looking plot'

second pic is view from a first sit in a new stand location, tossed a hang on in the tree to try to intercept a wide 8, he did not show his face, PTT, GHR, CC.

third pic sunrise this am over jumbo ladino/ big n beasty.

Good looking plots, How are the deer liking that high sugar grass?
thanks for the compliment on the plots, seems to take a lot to get a response of any kind on this site lately. Not sure on the deer like level on the HSG, I have not hunted over that plot to see its use, but a friend has, he saw 21 turkeys on it yesterday, and 14 deer, but tough to tell if they are eating the grass itself, or the small percentage of clover in the mix. It is so green, so over the top of anything else for mles at this point, it has to draw them in like a green magnet. Anyone else growing HSG?
thanks for the compliment on the plots, seems to take a lot to get a response of any kind on this site lately. Not sure on the deer like level on the HSG, I have not hunted over that plot to see its use, but a friend has, he saw 21 turkeys on it yesterday, and 14 deer, but tough to tell if they are eating the grass itself, or the small percentage of clover in the mix. It is so green, so over the top of anything else for mles at this point, it has to draw them in like a green magnet. Anyone else growing HSG?
I haven't tried HSG but I have been thinking of it on a smaller plot just to see how it does.
this young buck did exactly what he was supposed to do, he walked right to the branch I tossed in the plot as a curiosity branch, he walked up to in, ate a few leaves, at exactly 20 yards...... then mosied on. Now if the stud wide 8 did that, I'd have a picture of that, but still fun seeing them fall prey to my command
The HSG seems to be a hard to find product. I will be planting some this year after tracking down a dealer from Illinois.
well time to finalize seed orders, I am at a toss up for my one big plot, choice between corn and tara soybeans..... corn is cheaper, won't get destroyed by early browse..... but dangit if I could just find a bean to withstand early browse I know it would be the best destination/ food plot ever. looking at about an acre and a half.
I would plant a mixture of the Tara soys and corn for some upright cover and structure for the beans to "climb". Assuming your going to broadcast and lightly disc in the beans, if you go that route. How do you plant your corn, I don't see a planter in your equipment list?
plow, disc, broadcast, straight disc...... a combo just might be perfect, if one fails, the other is there. Awesome idea.

last time I did corn in that plot it did ok via that method..... pic:

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I know some of the guys recommend a 6 or 7:1 ratio of beans to corn in that instance. You could likely just broadcast it all together and then just disc it in. That would be where I would start in your situation, given you don't have an actual planter.
sounds good, I might do a solid corn row, 10 to 15 feet wide along highway fence, bit of a screen, then mix the rest of the field. If they still manage to eat the beans o the ground I can still go recovery mode. Disc WW PTT


might even add a bag of sunflower seed to it, maybe a few lb pumpkin seeds.........
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sounds good, I might do a solid corn row, 10 to 15 feet wide along highway fence, bit of a screen, then mix the rest of the field. If they still manage to eat the beans o the ground I can still go recovery mode. Disc WW PTT


might even add a bag of sunflower seed to it, maybe a few lb pumpkin seeds.........
I like that plan. Sunflowers would be awesome in that mix, but I wouldn't waste money mixing in the pumpkins. Plant them off to the sunny side in a small patch of their own. They will do much better.
oh crapola..... clutch on the tractor will not dissengage....... clutch to the floor and still solid. all things mechanical move, guess I'm stuck going to the dealer.
well I got a shot of one plot, part of it anyway. ww and cc, the ptt are long gone, did their job.

Looks good
thanks, 3 years ago that plot was 12 feet high in sticker bushes, russian olive, cedars, vines of grape, bittersweet, and bramble......