Dead oak tree when to remove?


A friend of mine has a large dead oak in his yard (he thinks he girdled it by leaving a cable wrapped around it and the tree grew over it).

When is the best time to cut down the tree? Apparently there is an "optimal" time to avoid spreading oak wilt? There are other oaks in his yard that we doesn't want to put at risk if he can avoid it.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Everything I have read says to avoid pruning or cutting oaks from April 1st - October 1st in oak wilt areas. So you should be good to go anytime now with this project.
Also if he believes the tree died from oak wilt and he is worried about others in the yard he must be careful with the wood after he cuts it down. There is a recommendation I read somewhere that says to cover all firewood harvested from oaks with wilt with clear plastic for a year or two. The heat and suffocation is said to kill off the wilt causing fungus.
Thanks for the replies guys.
