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I am not sure at what point death totals will concern each of us,.. and I guess that is a personal decision,.. but this chart may help put it into perspective.

WWI combat deaths: 53,000, non combat deaths 63,000,.. Total deaths for USA in WWI 116,000

WWII combat deaths: 291,000, non combat 113,000,.. Total deaths for USA in WWII 405,000

Here is the source of deaths for all wars combat, non combat deaths,.. and even incursions.

If you think 156,000 dead in a meager 5 months is nothing to be worried about,.. I am just speechless as how to respond to you?

Maybe folks are just parroting news outlets that say this is a "nothing burger" and spout out "What about this" or that. But,.. but,..

With these massive deaths in this short an amount of time we should be in an all out War Footing Mode. We should mobilize factories for testing, we should mobilize and ramp up Personal Protective Gear factories for our Hospital folks and first responders. We should hire an army of contact tracers (Maybe all those folks on unemployment). There is much we could do.

When 911 happened we lost 3000. Prez Bush mobilized our country and kicked BUTT!. If he was Prez today he would mobilize us again and fight. He showed leadership and I was proud to be an American.

We should have some leadership on this ! Sadly we have none. We have golfing and Tweeting

I made no comment as to what I think of the deaths one way or another. You are simply twisting words to fit your "hair on fire" narrative.

Trump has done everything you have suggested above and you still want to criticize him.

You can't demand leadership if you won't support it and then work against it.
I have many policy reasons but I can sum them up with a slogan- Biden 2020: Respect Science, Nature, and Each Other.

Let’s not kid around. Biden has dementia or something that makes him forget how to talk, forget names (he forgot the name of the Coronavirus twice on live TV). He is getting worse by the day. Yesterday he asked a black reporter if he was “a junkie”

Vote for him if you want, but keep in mind. He is being hid in the basement for a reason.
Let’s not kid around. Biden has dementia or something that makes him forget how to talk, forget names (he forgot the name of the Coronavirus twice on live TV). He is getting worse by the day. Yesterday he asked a black reporter if he was “a junkie”

Vote for him if you want, but keep in mind. He is being hid in the basement for a reason.

It is unreal how the media covers for him. That reported asked him the question because he said he is tested often about 3 weeks ago. Now he says he hasn’t been tested at all. Which is it joe? Of coarse there is no follow up and he rambles about cocaine tests and asking reporter if he is a junkie. VP pick should be out soon, then she can do all the interviews and he will hide deeper in the basement.
Let’s not kid around. Biden has dementia or something that makes him forget how to talk, forget names (he forgot the name of the Coronavirus twice on live TV). He is getting worse by the day. Yesterday he asked a black reporter if he was “a junkie”

Vote for him if you want, but keep in mind. He is being hid in the basement for a reason.

He just announced that he will not show up in Milwaukee for their DNC convention to accept the nomination for President.

A real profile in courage ... :emoji_scream:
Florida and Arizona are clearly on the downward slope. No statewide mask mandates. Complete lack of social distancing. Businesses open far more than they are in blue state shitholes. And yes Chicken Little place like Sweden and NYC do in fact have HERD IMMUNITY. More people have already had the virus than have not. That's why the virus is dying and infections are approaching statistical ZERO.

If everything would open up we could beat this thing in a few months and get back to normal. Bill Gates can shove his vaccine up his ass. I cant believe how many chicken shit liberals are on twitter clamoring to take the vaccine that is in third stage trials RIGHT NOW. Good luck when you sprout that third testicle on your forehead. Wonder when the panic porn media that said the country was melting cause of FL and AZ will come out and give us the good news of plummeting cases???

And here are the deaths reported from MN today. Clearly afflicts young healthy people so we should keep these schools closed.. God knows what the hell these people are dying from since NOBODY can even go to the nursing home to see their loved ones.

Florida and Arizona are clearly on the downward slope. No statewide mask mandates. Complete lack of social distancing. Businesses open far more than they are in blue state shitholes. And yes Chicken Little place like Sweden and NYC do in fact have HERD IMMUNITY. More people have already had the virus than have not. That's why the virus is dying and infections are approaching statistical ZERO.

If everything would open up we could beat this thing in a few months and get back to normal. Bill Gates can shove his vaccine up his ass. I cant believe how many chicken shit liberals are on twitter clamoring to take the vaccine that is in third stage trials RIGHT NOW. Good luck when you sprout that third testicle on your forehead. Wonder when the panic porn media that said the country was melting cause of FL and AZ will come out and give us the good news of plummeting cases???

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We will have a a hundred million doses, that should cover every liberal that is clamoring for it. Could solve two problems at once.
Florida and Arizona are clearly on the downward slope. No statewide mask mandates. Complete lack of social distancing. Businesses open far more than they are in blue state shitholes. And yes Chicken Little place like Sweden and NYC do in fact have HERD IMMUNITY. More people have already had the virus than have not. That's why the virus is dying and infections are approaching statistical ZERO.

If everything would open up we could beat this thing in a few months and get back to normal. Bill Gates can shove his vaccine up his ass. I cant believe how many chicken shit liberals are on twitter clamoring to take the vaccine that is in third stage trials RIGHT NOW. Good luck when you sprout that third testicle on your forehead. Wonder when the panic porn media that said the country was melting cause of FL and AZ will come out and give us the good news of plummeting cases???

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It appears that you value your own opinion more than that of folks who've trained their whole lives to interpret these numbers. With all due respect, there is no way we've achieved herd immunity. And testing does not support your hypothesis that more people have had it than not. But hey, you do you. Don't let facts get in the way.

Is it possible that enough people listened to the guidance that's been provided to actually reduce the infection rate? Maybe they saw the infection rate skyrocketing and started to behave a little bit more responsibly? I'm betting my marbles that's it.

Yeah, I'm feeling it this morning. I just got word that three close colleagues were diagnosed, and one of them - young guy - isn't likely to make it. Yes, he had an underlying condition. They were all practicing social distancing, but there were bunches of folks around them who didn't give a crap.
knehrke, Sorry to hear of your close colleagues being infected and I hope that each of them makes it thru this ok. I appreciate your posts on this thread as they are likely the best source of unbiased and informed info on what is really going on out there. And you are right, you are in position to interpret the numbers more accurately than most of us. Is it possible though that the declines are sort of a “herd immunity” among those groups that have unsafe behaviors? For example a local bar regularly has all of the same vehicles parked outside. My wife and I are being extra cautious and don’t go to those places where we think the behavior is unsafe for us nor do we associate with the people that do. Eventually that group has more of a chance to get the virus; if and once they do would that eventually add to new cases going down because they will all have had it and the rest of us are still being cautious?
Thus is that a form of “mini herd immunity“ for those people living in that type of ecosystem?
Also, it looks as the the amount of people that died from the actual flu, has went way down this year, so Covid either claimed those that would have died from the flu, or misdiagnosed as Covid rather then the flu.

You are partially right bud, I’ve stated this here before but I’ll show it again because the policy still hasn’t changed. All influenza and pneumonia deaths are included in the Covid death total, they have since day 1 of the common core math they use. Again this is all in the CDC website for anyone to find, just type a question you have into the CDC’s search engine website. You can verify this in multiple places on the CDC website. I’ll post a couple screenshots here and the links.


It appears that you value your own opinion more than that of folks who've trained their whole lives to interpret these numbers. With all due respect, there is no way we've achieved herd immunity. And testing does not support your hypothesis that more people have had it than not. But hey, you do you. Don't let facts get in the way.

Is it possible that enough people listened to the guidance that's been provided to actually reduce the infection rate? Maybe they saw the infection rate skyrocketing and started to behave a little bit more responsibly? I'm betting my marbles that's it.

Yeah, I'm feeling it this morning. I just got word that three close colleagues were diagnosed, and one of them - young guy - isn't likely to make it. Yes, he had an underlying condition. They were all practicing social distancing, but there were bunches of folks around them who didn't give a crap.

And where the hell did I say that we have herd immunity??? I said certain places. Like Sweden, like NYC, maybe parts of Italy and Spain that were pummeled by the virus for about 2 months and then it dies out. The lockdowns, social hiding, mask, etc only delay the inevitable. Maybe it needs to run its natural course for 6-8 weeks and then the worst is over. Large portions of the southern US are through the worst and it isn't because they are hiding in Joe Biden's basement, its because the highly contagious virus has already done its major assault in those areas. Did it ever occur to you that 100% of people are not infect-able(sp?) so we dont need to get to 50-70% infection rate? Maybe we only need 25% of people to get infected and then it just slithers away. And by all means, show us these brilliant studies that pin down the true infection rate cause we would all love to see it.

And apparently we should be listening to the experts who trained for this their whole lives??? Which ones? Dr. Fauxci who told us in the beginning not to lockdown with China or Europe? Who told us in the beginning not to wear mask? Who cant even properly wear his own mask (I dont think virus stops transmitting so you can pull your mask down to take a sip of water)? Should I listen to the Bill Gates funded Institute for Health Metrics that was predicting 2.2 million dead people in our country? How about Neil Ferguson and his model that predicted millions upon millions of deaths in the United States?? Dr Michael Osterhomo from the U of M, the panic porn specialist?? Maybe I should have listened to expert Scott Gottlieb who wants us all locked in Joe Biden's basement until they can force Bill Gates vaccine on my family??

Also confused why your expert colleagues who trained their whole lives got infected. Shouldn't they have known how to stop the virus and been taking protective measures, especially the guy with pre existing conditions? If mask, goggles and hand washing truly work I dont see how anyone properly doing that could get infected. I guess I'm cool with blaming the rioters for their communist gatherings that turned into coronavirus super spread events though. I dont know if you have seen what's going on in MN, but their have been MANY situations the last two months with people piled on top of people no social distancing, no mask, etc and we never saw a sharp spike over the original first spike. Good luck to your friends
A good friend of mine just got over covid. Neither his wife nor his 7 year old daughter got it. Some people will get it and most of them will be fine and some people just won't get it period.
The pro-mask/pro-state crowd around me is wearing out on mask devotion. In South Dakota, we're about to go off the deep end as every single strain of covid from planet earth will be brought here because of the fourth of July, Sturgis, the rodeo at the Denny, the big race at Husets, and now the Big and Rich concert. I'd suggest putting a fence around South Dakota to quarantine everyone that is here, but I think you'd find more interest in people trying to get into our camp than out.
And the tent sale at Lewis. Wide mouth quart jars for $8.99/dozen? There's gonna be elbows.
knehrke, Sorry to hear of your close colleagues being infected and I hope that each of them makes it thru this ok. I appreciate your posts on this thread as they are likely the best source of unbiased and informed info on what is really going on out there. And you are right, you are in position to interpret the numbers more accurately than most of us. Is it possible though that the declines are sort of a “herd immunity” among those groups that have unsafe behaviors? For example a local bar regularly has all of the same vehicles parked outside. My wife and I are being extra cautious and don’t go to those places where we think the behavior is unsafe for us nor do we associate with the people that do. Eventually that group has more of a chance to get the virus; if and once they do would that eventually add to new cases going down because they will all have had it and the rest of us are still being cautious?
Thus is that a form of “mini herd immunity“ for those people living in that type of ecosystem?
I think you may be onto something, particularly if it goes unnoticed in young folks and more of them have had it than we currently appreciate. In general, far fewer kids are getting antibody tested than older folks. Anyway, that's the first I'd heard or thought of such a thing. I'm going to run the idea past some of my colleagues who are currently engaged in COVID related clinical research to see what they think. Thank you for your kind words, too.

As for Buck - here's your quote: "And yes Chicken Little place like Sweden and NYC do in fact have HERD IMMUNITY. More people have already had the virus than have not."

This is simply a false statement. Facts matter. Details matter. And I am calling BS. You can think whatever you want, but when you support your position with false claims, particularly dangerous false claims, then I'm going to correct you. In Upstate New York where I live, the infection rate is very, very low, based on antibody testing. We never had a big spike, but we did start wearing masks and social distancing at the same time as NYC. And our infections continue to trickle in at a very low, manageable rate. What we have done to slow the spread of the disease has worked, just as it has in NYC. It's not herd-immunity, that I can tell you. I try really hard to respect diverse opinions, but name calling and know-it-all attitudes make it difficult.
I think you may be onto something, particularly if it goes unnoticed in young folks and more of them have had it than we currently appreciate. In general, far fewer kids are getting antibody tested than older folks. Anyway, that's the first I'd heard or thought of such a thing. I'm going to run the idea past some of my colleagues who are currently engaged in COVID related clinical research to see what they think. Thank you for your kind words, too.

As for Buck - here's your quote: "And yes Chicken Little place like Sweden and NYC do in fact have HERD IMMUNITY. More people have already had the virus than have not."

This is simply a false statement. Facts matter. Details matter. And I am calling BS. You can think whatever you want, but when you support your position with false claims, particularly dangerous false claims, then I'm going to correct you. In Upstate New York where I live, the infection rate is very, very low, based on antibody testing. We never had a big spike, but we did start wearing masks and social distancing at the same time as NYC. And our infections continue to trickle in at a very low, manageable rate. What we have done to slow the spread of the disease has worked, just as it has in NYC. It's not herd-immunity, that I can tell you. I try really hard to respect diverse opinions, but name calling and know-it-all attitudes make it difficult.
On to something? That is exactly what many of us have been getting at for months including buck. The verbage may have been a little different here or there but......
I too agree with opening up everything and letting it play out. This thing is not going away. I feel that damn near everyone will get it eventually and maybe many times at that. Vaccines will not be a panacea especially if the antibodies do not last as some studies have shown. Masks and social distancing are simply prolonging the inevitable and causing more and more hardship on families due to the economy not being fully opened. Kids need to be in schools. They are learning squat remotely.

I wonder how many baseball players that were diagnosed would have missed a game pre-covid with the illness (if any) they got? I'm thinking it might be zero.
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