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On that note: Roswell park institute here in NY are partnering with Thermo Fisher to develope a blood test that can determine if you will have no symptoms or more severe symptoms Or you know worse than that.

“We know some people don’t get sick at all, some get flu-like symptoms and are over it in a few days, some become very sick and even die,” said Dr. Carl Morrison. “And so, our study is focused on the fact that, if we can look at the cells using advanced technology that we can predict, that if you get infected or exposed to covid19 who’s not going to get sick, who’s going to get the usual flu-like symptoms and then who is potentially going to become very ill and possibly even die.”
I don't understand why they're even screwing around with antibody testing. We know the 'rona doesn't affect healthy people, so what in the hell is point in testing if anyone has had it? We're also going to eat some spiders in our sleep, and there is poop on every cell phone and remote control.

Sure, let's get enough people for plasma therapy, but why worry about protecting the broad public when they are and never were in any danger in the first place? We should be worried about the problems that affect 1 in 3 Americans like STDs, choosing the wrong lime, heart disease, sulfur deficiencies in clover, cancer, soil crusting, divorce, thistles, auto-immune disorders, ticks, and inflation.
That’s their plan right now. Test until you can’t test anymore. This takes time and keeps the people suppressed. Although what this initial antibody testing has shown was too good of information for our Governor so he’s starting to question. If we keep getting more good news from this testing I imagine it will all go away quickly. Wait until the results show that 5 million have had it in NY. That would push the death rate down to .2%. They won’t stand for that. LOL.
anyways. In our County we’ve had 2 deaths out of 130,000 people with no one in the hospital. So our death rate is what? .002%.
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Most of the issues people have with King Andy (Cuomo) is attaching his personal agenda with COVID. Things like allowing Bloomberg to release prisoners early that are "at high risk of infection". Everyone is at high risk considering the location of NYC, letting them out of prison doesn't lower the risk, in fact statistically they are/were safer in Prison.. and so were the rest of us.
King Andy closed Public Golf Courses statewide (Upstate) but allowed State ran Golf Courses to stay open initally? Last time I checked, a golf course is a golf course. McDonalds can stay open but Gun Shops he ordered shut :/ (when that was ordered, McDonalds could still have dine in customers) guns are a Constitutional Right and during a pandemic it's a good idea to get one if you don't already own one. He also shut down the approval process for Pistol Permit applications. Not because the offices were closed, I could still do a land acquisition transfer in the same office.
It made me chuckle at last weeks news conference Andy said "you can't spend what you don't have" when explaining why he put a moratorium on NY State employees raises. Andy contributed his share to the $5.4'ish billion debt the state is currently in prior to COVID. He's been spending more than he has in his budget since he took office.

Completely agree. I live right on the border of NY and we get all NY channels. Been watching him very closely...using a global pandemic to push his agenda. He keeps claiming it's all about saving lives though. The one thing I find hilarious is that he can't quite figure out if he should close schools for the remainder of the year. Vermont and Maine have some of the lowest cases in the nation, and they have closed for the year. He is at the "epicenter" of the virus and he thinks he can send kids back in 3 weeks or so. All global sports, the Olympics, and even Oktoberfest NEXT FALL...all cancelled. Yet he struggles with the decision to close schools. Closed schools = closed economy. But it's all about saving lives. He's pathetic.
Completely agree. I live right on the border of NY and we get all NY channels. Been watching him very closely...using a global pandemic to push his agenda. He keeps claiming it's all about saving lives though. The one thing I find hilarious is that he can't quite figure out if he should close schools for the remainder of the year. Vermont and Maine have some of the lowest cases in the nation, and they have closed for the year. He is at the "epicenter" of the virus and he thinks he can send kids back in 3 weeks or so. All global sports, the Olympics, and even Oktoberfest NEXT FALL...all cancelled. Yet he struggles with the decision to close schools. Closed schools = closed economy. But it's all about saving lives. He's pathetic.
He was also very late closing schools compared to other states despite being the state with the bullseye on it. He tried doing it county by county until all hell broke loose. He wanted to close county by county but we can’t open county by county? Everyone says he has done such a great job but when I ask them to give me one example of what he has done they can’t do it. The only semi answer I get is well he answers questions everyday. I reply just like Trump and that is the end of that. There are no easy answers in any of this so I laid off Cuomo for the first few weeks but his true colors are coming out more everyday.
I don't understand why they're even screwing around with antibody testing. We know the 'rona doesn't affect healthy people, so what in the hell is point in testing if anyone has had it? We're also going to eat some spiders in our sleep, and there is poop on every cell phone and remote control.

Sure, let's get enough people for plasma therapy, but why worry about protecting the broad public when they are and never were in any danger in the first place? We should be worried about the problems that affect 1 in 3 Americans like STDs, choosing the wrong lime, heart disease, sulfur deficiencies in clover, cancer, soil crusting, divorce, thistles, auto-immune disorders, ticks, and inflation.
If you know that Corona doesn't affect healthy people, then I'd like some of what you're smoking. That's an awfully bold statement to make - and I can tell you from personal experience, "Yes. It does".

We need to get the economy rolling again. We hope that the outbreak isn't as deadly as we HAD TO assume, based on the best available information. So the danger now is of the pendulum swinging in the other direction. We can't minimize the impact of the virus, but we've gotten to the point where it's apparent that the health care system isn't going to be overwhelmed by this first wave. That's a win. Let's not give it away.

Antibody testing # were much lower in upstate NY than NYC (1/5 down there compared to 1/25 up here). More test results will help us to focus future efforts appropriately, and the true breadth of this thing will become known. Patience. We're getting closer.
They closed the ICU at my wife’s hospital and they closed urgent care now too. Anyone that needs to be seen comes to the ER. Sounds like 85% of her coworkers are now laid off. 3 confirmed cases in our county. 50 miles west of Minneapolis (the place where they are publicly broadcasting Muslim prayers over loudspeakers for Ramadan). When these idiots finally get this figured out they’re gonna realize that this is many more times widespread then they could have ever imagined.
Completely agree. I live right on the border of NY and we get all NY channels. Been watching him very closely...using a global pandemic to push his agenda. He keeps claiming it's all about saving lives though. The one thing I find hilarious is that he can't quite figure out if he should close schools for the remainder of the year. Vermont and Maine have some of the lowest cases in the nation, and they have closed for the year. He is at the "epicenter" of the virus and he thinks he can send kids back in 3 weeks or so. All global sports, the Olympics, and even Oktoberfest NEXT FALL...all cancelled. Yet he struggles with the decision to close schools. Closed schools = closed economy. But it's all about saving lives. He's pathetic.
Completely agree. I live right on the border of NY and we get all NY channels. Been watching him very closely...using a global pandemic to push his agenda. He keeps claiming it's all about saving lives though. The one thing I find hilarious is that he can't quite figure out if he should close schools for the remainder of the year. Vermont and Maine have some of the lowest cases in the nation, and they have closed for the year. He is at the "epicenter" of the virus and he thinks he can send kids back in 3 weeks or so. All global sports, the Olympics, and even Oktoberfest NEXT FALL...all cancelled. Yet he struggles with the decision to close schools. Closed schools = closed economy. But it's all about saving lives. He's pathetic.

NY schools run way too late into the year in my opinion. Most other States wrap up much earlier. This thing being so close to the end of the school year made it easy for some States to just say we’re done for the year. I think NY‘s plan was to keep them closed through the year right from the start but, because they run so much longer they don’t want to say that. As you pointed out , your losing kids with this online learning. If NY came out and said were done for the year with schools I think they’d lose the majority of the kids. They’d just stop and disappear. At this point now , by the time they got everything in place to open up they would have maybe 3 weeks of school left. What’s that going to do? They’ve already canceled all State Regents testing. they can fumble about with an answer but, everybody knows they’re not going to open.
Wont we all be happy when this thread isn't necessary anymore and we can move on to something like......Habitat Talk?
It will be nice but my wife and kids don’t want to hear about any of this so you guys are all I got. The dog listens but she has no opinion on it. New puppy coming today so maybe I will be in a better mood for a bit.
I thought this article stated well, and in greater depth, the attitude of our Lt. Gov I posted earlier.
To quote some of my favorite parts:

"All worthwhile activities always involve risk of death—to oneself and others. That is no excuse for assuming a fetal position and failing to live one’s life. Complete human beings will live in awareness and acceptance of their own and others’ mortality." and;

"Prudent safety measures are of course called for. And those of us who are at low risk should cheerfully bear with some constraints on our behavior for the sake of those who face the danger more directly.

But: Our discussion of what constitutes prudent safety measures should take place in the context of the awareness that there are far worse things than death, and refusing to live for fear of death is one of them. A healthy human life is lived in recognition of the fact that we all have to die. The question is whether we will remember to teach ourselves what it means to live."
It will be nice but my wife and kids don’t want to hear about any of this so you guys are all I got. The dog listens but she has no opinion on it. New puppy coming today so maybe I will be in a better mood for a bit.
I hear you brother.
It will be nice but my wife and kids don’t want to hear about any of this so you guys are all I got. The dog listens but she has no opinion on it. New puppy coming today so maybe I will be in a better mood for a bit.
Ditto. Sans the puppy. My wife is higher up in the food chain here at our Institution than I am, and she's working night and day to figure out how we're going to remain viable as a hospital. Everyone is going to take a hit to keep the enterprise alive, but at least we will be working. As such, she doesn't have time to listen to me whine. Her words to me this morning, "Suck it up, buttercup". It's a good day to work in the woods, lol.
NY schools run way too late into the year in my opinion. Most other States wrap up much earlier. This thing being so close to the end of the school year made it easy for some States to just say we’re done for the year. I think NY‘s plan was to keep them closed through the year right from the start but, because they run so much longer they don’t want to say that. As you pointed out , your losing kids with this online learning. If NY came out and said were done for the year with schools I think they’d lose the majority of the kids. They’d just stop and disappear. At this point now , by the time they got everything in place to open up they would have maybe 3 weeks of school left. What’s that going to do? They’ve already canceled all State Regents testing. they can fumble about with an answer but, everybody knows they’re not going to open.

Yes. Good points about NY schools closing later and losing students. One benefit of making the decision to close instead of keeping parents, students, and administrators guessing is that many of my students (especially seniors) have gone to work full time now that they know they won't be going back. It's good for them. It's good for their families.
My children Have all gone to a private school from K-8. They then go to the public high school. My wife teaches at the local public school. Yesterday the private school said they will be done on May 15th. My wife is going crazy over all of this. I believe they are going through the first week in June as of now. If we want the economy to take off again we need to open the schools back up. Only about 1/2 to 2/3 of her students are doing their work and the nicer it gets the less and less those kids are going to do.

Just came back from the hardware store getting stuff for my new crabbapple trees. The guy that runs the place has an elderly uncle that has been in a care facility for a number of years due to alzheimer's disease. He recently passed away and said they labeled the cause of death to be coronavirus. The guy said he was half dead before the virus was even herd about. More funny math.
Just came back from the hardware store getting stuff for my new crabbapple trees. The guy that runs the place has an elderly uncle that has been in a care facility for a number of years due to alzheimer's disease. He recently passed away and said they labeled the cause of death to be coronavirus. The guy said he was half dead before the virus was even herd about. More funny math.

This covid thing will be just like 911. After 911 every sheriff, police dept, and 1 cop car town had to acquire weaponry, armor, and assault style vehicles.

They have to attach everything to corona-virus so that they can start lining up at the pig trough of Federal $$ that will emerge.
I'm not very smart. Could someone explain to me how public schools generate money for the economy? Thank You in advance.
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