College Basketball

That was kind of my point, only a few semi tough road games between now and the game @ Maryland, then Sparty at home(Izzo's teams have beaten us a number of times home or away), Goldie at the Barn, and finally tOSU on the road. That 4 game stretch leading up to the tournaments will likely give us an indication of just how far they go in the post season.
Don't see that in the sec. It brought a tear to my eye!
They deserved to loose, not a top 4 team
They were down there all american center and starting point guard. Can't win them all.
Doesn't matter if u want to b a top 4 team. Rutgers sucks, and they owned Bucky. Huge let down
At least the packers won, but I didn't watch most of that anyway.
They deserved to loose, not a top 4 team

Agreed about the #4 ranking. I still think Sam Dekker is overrated.
Will Frank be back for their next game?

Iowa comes to the Barn tonight, I can't wait to be talking smack the second they hit the floor......who hates Iowa?
That one hurt, especially with the crowd getting back into it and having a 4 point lead with three minutes after being down 17....close call at the end but he didn't quite get it off in time. 0-5, ouch
Agreed about the #4 ranking. I still think Sam Dekker is overrated.

Didn't see the game. So, I can't comment on it at all, other than to say that I'd challenge any team to look good without your top 2 players (and I think Frank and Jackson are just that for bucky, IMO). I do think they deserved the #4 (though they'll drop now and they should), as they do have a dangerous, well disciplined team that can score well at any tempo and plays D.

that said, I have to agree with you on Dekker. I've never got the buzz about him. Don't get me wrong. He's not a bad player at all, but I'd say he's AT BEST the 3rd most valuable starter, and I believe you could make a very strong case for 4th or 5th best. To put it in perspective, I think Gasser graduating hurts them more than Dekker going pro next year. Frank and Jackson, it's not even close how much more they mean to the team than Dekker, IMO.
As mentioned, I didn't see the last game and it's entirely possible that Gasser laid a huge egg in it. That said, what I see Gasser's value is his D, rebounding/effort (for not being a giant) and ability to drain the open 3. Dekker's ankle may well be the reason behind this year. For all I know, it may be so bad it is seriously impacting his game. That said, I felt the same about him last yr, when the fear was he'd go pro after his So yr. I don't think he is a "bad" player at all and I'm glad he's on the team. I just don't think the big time hype equals the value on the court, not that it's his fault he's hyped so much.

Couldn't agree more on the Big 10 season being a dogfight. That's what I enjoy most about Big 10 BB.....on any given night, any one of these teams stand a realistic shot at taking down any other Big 10 team. Sure, odds may be against it, but it isn't the least bit unrealistic...see the major Big 10 upsets that have occurred already this season....And all the odd ball, 1-3 Ws Northwestern pulls out every season.
Well I hope the Badgers dig a hole and the Huskers bury them in it!:) Unfortunately being on Badger home court will probably be a big factor in tonights game. The Husker women are currently skinning the Penn State kittens so maybe the fur stretchers will be full by the end of the night!:D Go Huskers!
Only if Badgerfowl is a hot girl! Otherwise please keep your clothes on ..... or are you one of those guys with a big beer belly who paints a big "W" on it!:eek:
Only if Badgerfowl is a hot girl! Otherwise please keep your clothes on ..... or are you one of those guys with a big beer belly who paints a big "W" on it!:eek:
You've never been to madison. Streak streak!
Geez I hope that ref doesnt have his mommy tuck him into bed every night! If one of the officials on my crew gave a "T" for something that minor I would seriously be questioning his ability to handle real stress. Well the Huskers look like they have all season too many missed shots for long stretches of time. Good thing Petteway is on a hot streak, or it would already be much uglier.
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Sorry TC, not tonight. Tough when you go like 8+ minutes without a basket.
That has plaqued the men all year. They look good offensively for a few minutes and then cant buy a bucket for a long stretch, before the switch flips back on. Oh well maybe by the time we meet up again on our home court we will be playing more consistent.
It was a good game up until near the end of the first half and then for a portion of the 2nd.
Lets go Husker men...... skin them gophers!!
Hey now....

Hoping we can pull away at the start of the second half with Pettaway sitting on the bench!