Can't Fool Me! Lol!

Mora has been getting a reputation the last few days..... are they your double first cousins on both sides or are they close kin?

Oh man, Things were wild yesterday after the deputy killed that nut job. My buddy was questioned all day yesterday by the BCA, his partner that night killed that nut job! She is the 26 YO grand daughter of my coyote hunting buddy with just over a year out of cop school I think.

Guess one should punch a cop that has her glock out already!
Just got out of court in Pine County today on another non paying dope. My guy never showed up, so I win by default on this one. Now I get to raid his bank account through the PC sheriff. But the funny thing was, out of the 12 cases at court today, only 3 defendants showed up. Almost all of us Plaintiffs won by default. LOL
A WIN WIN for both MO and the deputy!

So how does the judgment work? Do you just get to show up with a letter from the court at the bank saying take this amount out of his account? I would guess in todays world likely not, but thats the way it should work.
I would love to see the video of you sitting across from him in court. HEHEHEHE He is uncomfortable so you have to move? What about the financial burden he put on you? Uncomfortable is one thing, if you were making threatening gestures is another. I would really question the validity and overall structure of making a person move because the defendant is uncomfortable. I really don't like the side of the LE's taking the side of the criminally accused. If you threatened him, YES. If you just sat there looking at him. NO. I know the law and if that is the case and if I was there, I would have pressed the issue a little more. Although, I would been dragging this guy in court for more than just compensatory damages, emotional distress would be my first action. I would follow it up with mental anguish. I would drag this guy in court over and over to just watch his lawyer bill rack up. I wonder if his attorney would accept a check??
A WIN WIN for both MO and the deputy!

So how does the judgment work? Do you just get to show up with a letter from the court at the bank saying take this amount out of his account? I would guess in todays world likely not, but thats the way it should work.

No Win Yet! But Now comes the fun part for me. Most counties go like this. I get the judgement saying Farmer Pukenstien has 30 days to pay. If he does not pay in that time frame, I can go to the sheriffs dept with my judgement and his banking info, and have them go drain his bank account of what money is in there. Cost can very from $60-80 every time the deputy goes to the bank. So if he has only $200 in his account, the sheriffs office gets their $80 I get $120. This repeats until all is paid. So this will end up costing this farmer lots more as I will raid his account as many times as needed. :D
I would love to see the video of you sitting across from him in court. HEHEHEHE He is uncomfortable so you have to move? What about the financial burden he put on you? Uncomfortable is one thing, if you were making threatening gestures is another. I would really question the validity and overall structure of making a person move because the defendant is uncomfortable. I really don't like the side of the LE's taking the side of the criminally accused. If you threatened him, YES. If you just sat there looking at him. NO. I know the law and if that is the case and if I was there, I would have pressed the issue a little more. Although, I would been dragging this guy in court for more than just compensatory damages, emotional distress would be my first action. I would follow it up with mental anguish. I would drag this guy in court over and over to just watch his lawyer bill rack up. I wonder if his attorney would accept a check??

I may or may not have been doing more than just sitting there!

Intimidation can be very powerful if one choices to do so, not saying I did, but it can be very powerful.;)
I may or may not have been doing more than just sitting there!

Intimidation can be very powerful if one choices to do so, not saying I did, but it can be very powerful.;)
well.. let me give you some free advice. I would strongly recommend against making any sort of threats to this guy or anything that would be considered acts of violence. The tables could easily be turned on you for mental anguish or emotional distress. I don't like the douche rocket either, but I would hate to see you in a tort for threats of intimidation or violence. Let due process take hold and make sure to ask the judge if not paid in full that you assess a lien against his farm until you are paid or ask for non earnings garnishment. There are many ways you can make this dudes life way more miserable than a threat to personal violence. You will learn, the pen is always mightier than the sword. If that dude did that to me he would be begging me at my feet to call off the papers. If he wanted to hit you in the belt than I like hardball matter of fact, it's fun.
well.. let me give you some free advice. I would strongly recommend against making any sort of threats to this guy or anything that would be considered acts of violence. The tables could easily be turned on you for mental anguish or emotional distress. I don't like the douche rocket either, but I would hate to see you in a tort for threats of intimidation or violence. Let due process take hold and make sure to ask the judge if not paid in full that you assess a lien against his farm until you are paid or ask for non earnings garnishment. There are many ways you can make this dudes life way more miserable than a threat to personal violence. You will learn, the pen is always mightier than the sword. If that dude did that to me he would be begging me at my feet to call off the papers. If he wanted to hit you in the belt than I like hardball matter of fact, it's fun.

You don't know me well. LOL