Brute 'N Bottoms

Nice buck. Lot of work done short period of time. Congrats. PS I think I seen your box blind. It was in many pieces in back of Weiss labeled pick up sitting in front of Fly'n Ryan's Eleva early summer.

That was me! I live not too far from Eleva and seem to be at Flyan Ryan's somewhat frequently for dinner, lunch, or a beer. Their wings on wednesday nights are pretty damn good.

Have any better pics of body?

Go to post 53 and he's the first 2 pictures I posted.

Can you tell us a little more about the shot and the trailing job - how long did you give the deer, was it a 1 lung hit or liver, guts, etc? How far did the deer end up going?

How much did it cost to have the blood trailing dog help out?

Shot was low, we gave him overnight, and got him the next morning. He probably went 300 yards. The dog is $50 to show up, $100 if the dog finds the deer. If anybody in the area has a mediocre hit on a deer, this is well worth it. We are no match to this dog, it was an incredible track job. His number is 715-559-0671. No doubt it is a good tool to have in your arsenal if you need it!
How do u know he came all the way around that field?
If u had an Area clear cut I wouldn't think u would see bedding so quick. How do u know he bedded there?

They bed in there because of the topography, the logging will only enhance it as the years go by. Lots of great places they bed on top of the bowl and look down over the valley. That's the direction he and a few does came from so I'm assuming he was bedded there. He got there plenty early, he wasn't bedding far away.
Congratulations! Looks like the hard work is paying off. What kind of dog did the guy have out of curiosity? I have a buddy with a Draughthar and he has used it several times to recover deer. They are required to blood trail for their field tests and they are great bird dogs. I've never had to use my wirehair but I wouldn't hesitate to take him for a walk if I made a marginal shot on a deer.
The buck's stomach was full of corn. I asked the neighbor if he had been baiting with corn and he said no. There is a 5 acre corn field that he could have been spending time in, but I always thought they didn't eat the corn until later in the fall. Anybody have any experience with this? Just seems early to be eating corn off of the stalks. Maybe a different neighbor was baiting.

Dipper, here's a video of him.

How old do you think he is?
Haha do u actually tell the truth to your neighbor 100% of the time. I don't and neither does he! No matter how nice he is.
I'd bet he was baiting. Many pics, same spot, different poses, that's over bait. However, A lot of corn has dented up pretty good. I've also seen deer feeding in corn when we used to green chop it, and some guys are starting that now.
He looks pretty thick. Got any pics of the lower jaw-teeth. We'll get an age on that sucker right now.
Haha do u actually tell the truth to your neighbor 100% of the time. I don't and neither does he! No matter how nice he is.
I'd bet he was baiting. Many pics, same spot, different poses, that's over bait. However, A lot of corn has dented up pretty good. I've also seen deer feeding in corn when we used to green chop it, and some guys are starting that now.
He looks pretty thick. Got any pics of the lower jaw-teeth. We'll get an age on that sucker right now.

I'll take pics of it either tonight or tomorrow and post them up. I'll buy you a beer, maybe 2 if we ever run into each other for aging him for me over the net lol.

I wear my jaws necklace all the time in case I need to age a deer 1-5 known penned deer
That was me! I live not too far from Eleva and seem to be at Flyan Ryan's somewhat frequently for dinner, lunch, or a beer. Their wings on wednesday nights are pretty damn good.

Go to post 53 and he's the first 2 pictures I posted.

Shot was low, we gave him overnight, and got him the next morning. He probably went 300 yards. The dog is $50 to show up, $100 if the dog finds the deer. If anybody in the area has a mediocre hit on a deer, this is well worth it. We are no match to this dog, it was an incredible track job. His number is 715-559-0671. No doubt it is a good tool to have in your arsenal if you need it!

Was the shot low in the lung area or was it liver or guts? $150 is a pretty good deal to recover a deer though - where is the guy from and how far will he travel?

The deer could be eating in a standing corn field, but I doubt it. I'm guessing someone is baiting nearby.
Was the shot low in the lung area or was it liver or guts? $150 is a pretty good deal to recover a deer though - where is the guy from and how far will he travel?

The deer could be eating in a standing corn field, but I doubt it. I'm guessing someone is baiting nearby.

$100 if he finds it, not $150. The neighbor who said he wasn't using corn told me he was baiting with apples, so I think he was being honest with me.
Very nice buck, congrats!!
I had a great hunt Tuesday night. Temps went from 80 on Sunday to 50 on Tuesday. I hunted a box blind over half bean/rye and half radish/turnip plot. I put a scrape tree in the plot a few weeks prior and when I arrived it was knocked over with a pretty impressive rub on it. Lots of does around all night, and 15 minutes left of shooting light had this 8 point enter the plot with a few younger bucks. He snort wheezed, made scrapes, and put on a show. He got to 10 yards and headed for the corn behind me. A few minutes later I hear horns rattling, but couldn't see which bucks it was. I'm sure it was this 8 point and another buck that I didn't see. I think he's a 3 year old.

Took my Dad out tonight for his first hunt of the year. Activity didn't get started until a little later, but we had a buck I wanted him to shoot show up. He's a goofy looking buck, and I want him gone. He chased a small buck off the plot, and never came back. We had him at 40 yards, but my Dad doesn't shoot that far, we like them 10 yards for him ;) After seeing the footage he looks to be an older deer, any thoughts?

He's for sure hideous enough! HAHA. Look older too.
That buck is odd, mature!! Big body
Pulled cards yesterday, a lot of activity in the bottoms right now.

We will try and shoot this guy, I think it's safe to say he's mature. Too bad his good side doesn't match.

We'll try to get these 2 to next year.

Cool shot with the blind in the background.

Don't think I've seen this one before.

Pretty cool stuff!
Here's some better videos of a 10 point that has been frequenting the bottoms. I'm on the fence about him. My new motto while in the tree is "WWDD" What Would Dipper Do :D

If I had to guess he's 4.
