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Best Hard Shell Blind?

Fall's Legend

5 year old buck +
I have looked at Maverick, Blind Turtle, Redneck etc...

I usually hunt by hanging a LW stand every time I go out. (I am an archery only guy, nothing wrong with any other type of legal hunting though!) Keeps the deer guessing, and me from not getting any fatter:)

I have a bottom area that I harvested my biggest buck to date from. MO's bottoms, fickle/swirling winds have caused me several opportunities. I only go to this bottom when conditions are perfect, and that is not very often.

I have tried ozonics, not convinced it really works. So, I though about placing a hard shell blind in the bottom right after the season ends so the deer adapt to it by next season. Thought this might be the ticket for scent control.

Please share your thoughts and experiences. Is it worth the expense, will it give me more frequent opportunities as I can pay a little less attention to changing drifts/thermals??

I have a built box in a MO bottom. Put it there for the same exact reason. Its pretty air tight but you can still get busted. Dont get me wrong it helps and we have killed from it. We treat it like we did the ladder stand that was there before. Hunted very selectively and only with a good wind in the direction we want.

I Dont carry an ozonics to the stand but my clothes are always treated in Ozone.

Bottoms are tough and we have so many of them.
We sold some timber so I splurged and bought a Redneck. It has been a game changer. We are able to hunt food plots on the complete wrong wind with the windows closed. My brother arrowed a 161" 4 or 5 year old in November out of it with a field full of deer and the complete wrong wind. Spendy but well worth it.
if you have the time and skills I say build your own, and have it exactly the way you want it

other wise, shop about at the shows soon to be all over in winter time when they push the models they have made?/
lots of nice one's out there today, but PRICY for sure
there becoming way more common place and as such more and more places carry them!

but I prefer to make my own, and have it MY way and save some $$ in the process!
We have a couple Rednecks and I think it is what you are looking for. Keep the windows closed until you are ready to shoot and it will work based on my experience. We have several that we have built ourselves and they seem to be slightly less scent tight. If the wind is wrong the deer sense something but they can't figure it out. They are skittish and may stick around or leave. With the Rednecks the deer don't seem to have a clue as long as the windows are closed. I like building my own but the Rednecks have a place if you can afford one, like the situation you are describing.
I have one Redneck that came with the farm I bought in Iowa. Really nice!

That being said, it's tough to shell out that kind of $$. If you have that one key spot.
Been looking at same thing,I want on a 6-8 ft stand
I purchased a few redneck blinds this year. They would work great for your purpose.
After hunting out of a Redneck in December and seeing nice bucks, does and coyotes walk by at 15 yards, I was thinking to myself...I need more of these. I can see this being a major advantage if you left crop (beans, corn, some brassica) around the blind.

The cost is high, but the chance of success from blinds like these (with scent control) and factoring in you will be able to hunt from them in poor the odds!
Thanks guys for the feedback. I like my Redneck bale blinds, but their shell blinds are just too expensive for me.
Check out Shadow Hunter Blinds.
Darkwoods blinds are also a dang good blind

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I found one that I am going to check on it is from sandhill plastics,they also sell some plastic sheets that you could make your own out of
Thanks guys for all of your input. I spoke with Maverick yesterday and ordered one, the 6 footer in black. It fit my budget at this time. Thanks again for everything. I looked at what all of you suggested.
I have the maverick and its ok,a few things I found out were
Put hinges on windows before cutting them out
Get it all set and I would fasten to plywood or something,I had issue that in wind it kind of twisted and I had to run rachet strap around base to make it round againmaverick blind1.jpg maverick blind2.jpg maverick blind3.jpg
Thanks buck deer. The new ones next year are supposed to come with a plywood bottom, maybe because of what you said happens. I will definitely do something with that.
Did you look at the Banks 2 man blind?They also have one that has the long vertical windows and has good price from sportmans guide.
Banks also sells a nice window kit if you are building your own
I did look at them. If I go with a second one I might give them a try. The maverick fit my budget right now. Thanks again!
Was excited, not so much now. Central Transport was supposed to deliver this Thursday. No call, no show.

I called. They could not tell me when they could deliver. I should have just ordered through Sportsman's Warehouse. They have always delivered when promised. Wasted a day waiting on them.

I will ask for a refund from Maverick and they can get it returned from Central. Too bad because I really liked the owner of Maverick when we spoke on the phone. Hopefully he will use a different carrier in the future.
I talked to a guy that had the banks and he said they just wern't big enough