Basal spray wait time?


5 year old buck +
Just curious, how long after doing a basal spray on locust trees will it take to start seeing results?
I basal sprayed some last year with remedy and diesel in the fall,it only killed the smaller ones the other day I notched some with chainsaw and used tordon they are showing signs of dieing.It depends alot on chemical,time of year and weather
That's the mix I used (Remedy Ultra and diesel). I did some experimenting by spraying larger trees but figure I'll need to girdle them to be effective. It would be a lot quicker if I didn't have to lug a saw around though...
Not exactly sure on the time but I've sprayed them while dormant in winter and they never greened up. By summer they were all brittle.

Whatever you do don't rush'em. Let the chemical work all the way won't have little shoots pop up everywhere.
Just curious, how long after doing a basal spray on locust trees will it take to start seeing results?
Cat - I have a question for you. I am interested in basal spraying to control some saplings in some CRP areas as well as another tool in my on-going battle with JBH......however I have never done it before. I have read that you can do basal spraying at any time of this true? I could do this in the late spring before green up and wack some of this stuff this way?
Cat - I have a question for you. I am interested in basal spraying to control some saplings in some CRP areas as well as another tool in my on-going battle with JBH......however I have never done it before. I have read that you can do basal spraying at any time of this true? I could do this in the late spring before green up and wack some of this stuff this way?

I've clipped and stumped sprayed over much of the yr except spring. Fall and winter seem to be when I do it the most and no problems with that time frame. Tordon mix kills most everything (the only problem I have is root suckering with Locust). This is kind of my first real attempt at doing much with just a basal spray. This first batch was an experiment which will lead to doing it in mass this winter. Maybe someone else can give you a better answer but I don't think it matters much when you do it.
I've clipped and stumped sprayed over much of the yr except spring. Fall and winter seem to be when I do it the most and no problems with that time frame. Tordon mix kills most everything (the only problem I have is root suckering with Locust). This is kind of my first real attempt at doing much with just a basal spray. This first batch was an experiment which will lead to doing it in mass this winter. Maybe someone else can give you a better answer but I don't think it matters much when you do it.
Cool - I tend to cut and treat stumps as well, but man can that be a PITA. I have some areas I think I want to just push the weeds down with the bucket and loader come late spring to get me easier access to some stuff that needs to go and basal spraying seems like a better alternative to a cut and treat situation. The real small stuff I just mow, but some of the stuff gets a little big for the bush-hog and some of it is pretty damn stubborn as well. I'm hoping a basal spray will help me treat larger areas more efficiently.
I used some "milestone" last year and got a great result. I did my spraying in the late summer. The locust started looked sickly in about a week and were dead as could be in six weeks. It worked on some medium size locust with no problems. Now I am debating about going in and cutting down the standing dead trees just to get them decomposing quicker.
I've clipped and stumped sprayed over much of the yr except spring. Fall and winter seem to be when I do it the most and no problems with that time frame. Tordon mix kills most everything (the only problem I have is root suckering with Locust). This is kind of my first real attempt at doing much with just a basal spray. This first batch was an experiment which will lead to doing it in mass this winter. Maybe someone else can give you a better answer but I don't think it matters much when you do it.

I think the root suckering may be dependent when you spray. In the spring, energy is drawn from the root system back into the trees canopy to spport growth.

As fall/winter (dormancy) approaches, all the trees energy is drawn back down into the root system.

I normally spray early fall after the leaf drop before the tree goes into full dormancy. It takes a while for the basal spray to penetrate. Some spray should be drawn into the roots and taken into the canopy when the tree comes out of dormancy. I have never had any suckering.

I never top cut the tree to form a stump. If you do this, and spray at the wrong time only the top stump, the top will harden with no active growing in the outer cambrium I believe. All the trees energy will be put into the root system to sucker never seeing the basal spray.

End of the day, if you have suckering, you still have a live tree with active growth that becomes a worse problem.
Another way to look at basal spraying is it's basically chemical (vs. mechanical) girdling and it works any time of the year. Especially because locust is a relatively smooth and thin-barked tree, provided you have the correct proportion of penetrant/carrier (like diesel) it works pretty quickly.
Yellowing on the smaller stuff... maybe some yellowing on the larger one's. Hopefully there will be no root sprouts, but even if there is... there isn't much more beautiful than a dieing locust tree. :)

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk's definitely working. That's some sickly looking locust trees...beautiful!
I've done basal bark year round with good results.

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