Auction items in Kansas


5 year old buck +
I know some are in Kansas and Gavel Roads Auctions has a few things that there might be some interest in, A fiberglass storage that with a cool bot would make a nice 8x12 walking,some tractors a few trailers and implements
Nice JD planter on Kansas market place and grass drill on purple wave under grain drill
What’s the Kansas Marketplace?

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Facebook market place 40 mile radius of Wichita,sorry
I don’t have FB. Do you know what model and what they were asking? I’ll have a 4 row JD 7000 ready pretty soon.

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Theres a 6 row massy planter in Mt Hope kansas 1250.00.It's like the JD flex individual row.
I will try to find the JD if it's still on there
Heres one,it's a 4 row

JD planter​

$3,500 · In stock
Listed in Sedgwick, KS