Arkansas Black & Yates


5 year old buck +
For those that have them ............ how are Arkansas Black and Yates for DR?? TC put a post on the fruit tree sticky about AB being good for CAR. How do both Arkansas Black and Yates stack up against CAR, FB, scab, and mildew??
I have not noticed Fire Blight or CAR on mine. I grow a number of CAR susceptible cultivars, that show infection every year.
Yates stays completely clean for me. I think it is the best deer apple that I grow and appears to be highly resistant to every apple disease.

My AB is still young and hasn't fruited yet. It has been pretty clean so far, but until you see an apple flower in a year with fireblight, you don't know how resistant it will be. It is uncommon to see fireblight on a tree before it flowers the first time. I've seen other people in this area grow AB with good success, but I can't speak personally for it yet.

You will start seeing CAR the first year you plant a tree. My AB stands near some big cedars and I have never noticed the leaves looking bad, and CAR is bad here almost every year on trees that get it.
Hmm... will have to get some Yates scions.
Bows: I grew about 100 Arkansas Black seedlings in pots during the summer of 2019. There was a cedar tree 30 - 40 yards away that was covered with CAR. Not one Arkansas Black showed any sign of catching it, unlike some of the other varieties growing in pots beside them.
AB clean for me here surrounded by cedars no fruit going on year 6 antonvoka rootstock great growth strong trunk n roots just curious how much longer till fruit getting impatient
Little big horn- ^^^^^
Antonovka rootstock is a standard rootstock, so being a full-sized tree, it may take 10 years for fruit. We have a good number of trees on Antonovka roots at camp.
Little big horn- ^^^^^
Antonovka rootstock is a standard rootstock, so being a full-sized tree, it may take 10 years for fruit. We have a good number of trees on Antonovka roots at camp.
So when they finally fruit are they producing good ? My trees on this rootstock are already pushing 20 ft tall I have some liberty on same I geuss I wait
I've got a couple Arkansas Black on M111 that are 5th-6th year 12'+, they blossom good but have only gotten a few apples so far. No sign of any disease to date and have been pretty good growers.

I need to graft a couple Yates!
So when they finally fruit are they producing good ? My trees on this rootstock are already pushing 20 ft tall I have some liberty on same I geuss I wait
Our first trees of the "newer" group were planted in 2013, so we have a few years to go for decent fruit production on our Antonovka-rooted trees. We have had a FEW apples on Antonovka-rooted trees, but only a few. Most of our apples and crabs so far have been on B-118, MM-111. Our standouts on Antonovka have been Winter Wildlife crab and All-Winter-Hangover crab from SLN. We had decent fruit loads on those 2 varieties after year 4 and 5. Our other trees have had a few apples on them, but no BIG loads yet.
I've got a couple Arkansas Black on M111 that are 5th-6th year 12'+, they blossom good but have only gotten a few apples so far. No sign of any disease to date and have been pretty good growers.
Same here, H20. We have 1 Arkansas Black on MM-111 - and like you it's about 12' tall and a few blossoms & a couple apples. No D problems to speak of, and it grows well.
I added an Arkansas Black on M.111 to our camp orchard a couple years ago. Like you guys, few blossoms, no fruit so far, but it is still young. However, since adding this tree, I see Cummins mentions that this is not a very productive tree. Also, Pomiferous says it produces only light crops biennially.

However, I am not too discouraged because I have a mature Arkansas Black (30+ years old) on an unknown rootstock at home that is very productive and holds well into December. Good things come to those who wait… impatiently!!