Acorn action


5 year old buck +
This white oak has been dropping a lot of acorns and the cam has been getting a workout. Nothing special for bucks, just the typical scrubs. I have a stand in this oak and it looks like I would have had some company last night if I was sitting in it. Sounds like a couple of acorns landed on the cam during a couple of the vids. Click gear icon to watch in 1080p.

Cool and all daytime activity.

You just need to find the tree the big boy likes to feed under!
The acorns are taking the pressure of one of my unfenced brassica plots. I've now got plants over 4"s!
I scouted a new oak ridge for buck bedding areas. It was thick as hell with brambles but loaded with large veneer oaks. Didn't see any see but located a buck bedding area.