2 Years Ago Already!



Some of you may remember a few years ago, at age 15, I posted we lost our farm hand. He went to bed and never woke up. He was a great kid that could do anything. Nice and polite, always showed up on time, and was fun to be around. We did not replace him last year, because we did not think we could. Thought most kids were punks that did not want to work. Man was I wrong.

These are the 2 brothers I got to help with chores around the farm. Great kids that have worked their rear ends off for me this summer. Just last week they filled 3 bays of this shed in 3 days with 3600 bales of straw, and did a dam good job of stacking. They have great parents that do not allow video games in the house, make them go outside and work or hunt and fish after sports. God Bless them for that!

We need a million more like that!

I'll bet they are not protesting on the streets.
And I bet when they turn 18 they ain't voting socialist either.
Good workers are hard to find and it seems it's getting more difficult every day with our entitlement society.