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  1. M

    Is this ragweed?

    I have quite a bit of this growing in a strip of clover in one of my food plots. Is is ragweed? Also any use for it at all (deer browse) or should I get rid of it? It looks like maybe a few stalks have been chewed on, but not much. Thanks in advance!
  2. M

    What is this plant? Mini watermelon looking berry with thorns

    I found this last year in a field, was browsing through some old pics and remembered I have no idea what this is. Anyone? Thanks in advance
  3. M

    Saving plot seed from previous year?

    Hi everyone, I found a couple big bags of brassica mix plot seed at the local store on sale (cheap), I was wanting to get them for planting next year. Will the seeds still be good next year? Or do seeds have some sort of expiration/beyond-use-date? Thanks in advance!
  4. M

    Best time to root cuttings?

    Hi everyone, I have some fruit trees - pear, peaches, and persimmion that need trimmed this year. I want to try to keep the trimmings and see if I can root them. I have been reaching up on the sand/soil mix, rooting hormone, etc and know the procedure fairly well. Lots of resources I've looked...
  5. M

    Apple trees on sale at Starkbros for $4.99 !!

    Hi everyone, I happened to see that some apple trees are on sale for 5 bucks on starkbros website. I have been wanting to get some trees for scion wood to eventually graft onto my seedlings. Not sure if the types are any good or if they will be okay planting in the middle of June, but I thought...
  6. M

    Apple seedlings grown from seed are turning purple?

    Hi everyone, I have been experimenting with growing some trees from seed. Over the past 4-5 months I have grown about 120 apple trees from seed in cups inside my apartment. I recently planted them outside and they looked fantastic when I was finished. I watered them, and the first 2-3 days it...