You didn't build this.....

The reaction Dipper gets around here is simply amazing to me. It seems many people just can't ignore him. The folks that are leaving over him are allowing him to be their puppetmaster.

Who's leaving? It's like a slow motion train wreck, no one can stop watching!
Thought that was what the 'adios' meant, people were out of here for good.
John- I realize I didn't add that much value here (other than the occasional laugh) so I'm sure I won't be missed all that much. With most of my MN network either banned or just up and leaving, I probably won't be here a whole lot going forward. I just wanted to publicly thank you and have truly enjoyed making this forum my every morning ritual. Reading the newly posted stuff while drinking my coffee. Driving my wife insane with my outdoor obsessions and so much time on this forum.:)

Most sincerely,

So why leave Jeff? Nothing wrong with hanging out elsewhere too, but there are good people still here including some from MN like yourself.
Am I chopped liver?

I would hope that EVERYONE would stay, but that's probably not realistic. I would definately like to stay in touch with those that don't. I think there is a still a great group here (for the most part) and I will not leave over the current issues some have had. That being said, I will not ride the fence like some or back down from what I consider to be internet bullying. This is too great a site to not stand up for the good guys that use it.
There is no such thing as internet bullying in my book..... Ignore the assholes and enjoy.
I think some of the ones that left forgot that simple rule.... :(
It takes two sides to make a confrontation, and apparently there are sides here. I'm not gonna fight or bicker with you guys. I thought we could share opinions, and I understand mine doesn't reflect many.
I respect John and this site. Hope u guys are enjoying your season as much as I am.....hope that wasn't offending:)
I had a 140" buck shot on my property yesterday morning. Many more running around. My spirits are pretty high, and life is pretty darn good. I understand everyone can't say that.
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John has thicker skin then I do. He has set basic rules and some have pushed regardless of warning.

I hope those that left return . There are no winners only losers. Knowledge is always key to success .

Thanks John for using your own resources to fund and maintain this site.
I've been watching the "train wreck" with mild interest and amusement. I've really no dog in the fight other than I followed some of the very people who left (or I think left, I'm not even sure exactly what has happened yet) over here from the dark side. If those people leave or have left I will try to follow them again as the info is amazing and quite frankly I like some of their personalities. I'm not loyal to just one site though, this is my favorite but I still use the dark side and tend to post either the same questions on both sites or tailor my questions to the strength of which ever site works best at the moment. Not sure where this is going but I sure don't like that it seems to be loosing some good people.
There is no such thing as internet bullying in my book..... Ignore the assholes and enjoy.
I think some of the ones that left forgot that simple rule.... :(

Tell that to the family of teen who has committed or contemplated suicide, because of bullies on the Internet or Social Media. Not everyone is strong enough to ignore it. That is not what is happening here in my opinion. Maybe a little but to a much lesser degree, most of us have never met one another. I find the whole thing a little immature on both sides. Some need to grow up and stop whining. Others have taken their bat a ball and went and played someplace else. Kind of Ironic.

Socially I find this whole issue very interesting. I would really like to know the major players in this and what they are like in person and what makes them tick. What would cause a person to act like they do on the Internet.
I didn't realize how effective the 'ignore' button was until now. It seems like that could have solved a lot of issues.
Some will stay, some will go and some will use the resources of both or even other forums as well. This is not the only habitat site I use (even before all of this happened) - I try to help where I can and I try to learn where I can, sometimes those are different places, sometimes they are not.

Just because you want to go out for a beer and B.S. with your buddies doesn't mean you have to go to the same bar every time!
I visit many forums with knowledge coming from all. There are more than 5or 6 people that know about habitat for wildlife. Keep yourself well rounded on this subject with a open mind.
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I never follow this stuff when it comes to hurt feelings. I have no idea where this came from or how it started. I hope cooler heads prevail. stu is a great guy and has been through a lot in his life. More stress than I would ever want to deal with. I don't think anything happened fundamentally like it did at the other site in regards to a paradigm shift in regards to hypocritical behavior by a national organization. I value his comments and I am confident that he will be see the bigger picture and his leadership is a reason that he is valued in the outdoor community.
I hope 1 or 2 people aren't enough to drive good guys away by making crappy, condescending comments. If 1,2, or 3 people are the burrs ( not referring to Sandbur !! ) under most folks' saddles - do what I do...... pay them no mind !! Too many good guys to let a small minority ruin ANY forum. I'm not even sure who the "players " are in this mess. Maybe the smoke will clear.

Didn't see the need so yes I deleted it.
As one who has joined on this forum only 2 months ago, BUT - I have owned, administered, managed, and otherwise dealt with forums like this from the 1990s until 2008 - figured I'd just try to be encouraging.

To All: In the words of my late father-in-law "We're all about 30% batshit crazy, it just shows up in different ways. Try to be tolerant"

To John (I guess who runs the site): not sure how long you've been doing this, but from a guy who did it for over 10 years, you will surely NEVER please everybody! Just remember you do a service, and as long as you're able and willing there are lots of "silent" people that truly appreciate it.

To Members/Participants: Try to stay happy and don't get emotionally involved over the Internet. We ALL have people in our lives that drive us crazy (usually in our own family or at work) that we pretty much HAVE to get involved with on some level. Just remember that reading something on a forum is just like reading a book - you can be offending by that content, disagree with it, want to burn the book, etc. But to keep your blood pressure in check just view it rationally, and move on. Developing anger (a life-shortening thing) around someone you will likely NEVER even meet is a total waste.

Peace guys - life is so full of problems we can't control, let's not make more within our control!