You didn't build this.....

As one who has joined on this forum only 2 months ago, BUT - I have owned, administered, managed, and otherwise dealt with forums like this from the 1990s until 2008 - figured I'd just try to be encouraging.

To All: In the words of my late father-in-law "We're all about 30% batshit crazy, it just shows up in different ways. Try to be tolerant"

To John (I guess who runs the site): not sure how long you've been doing this, but from a guy who did it for over 10 years, you will surely NEVER please everybody! Just remember you do a service, and as long as you're able and willing there are lots of "silent" people that truly appreciate it.

To Members/Participants: Try to stay happy and don't get emotionally involved over the Internet. We ALL have people in our lives that drive us crazy (usually in our own family or at work) that we pretty much HAVE to get involved with on some level. Just remember that reading something on a forum is just like reading a book - you can be offending by that content, disagree with it, want to burn the book, etc. But to keep your blood pressure in check just view it rationally, and move on. Developing anger (a life-shortening thing) around someone you will likely NEVER even meet is a total waste.

Peace guys - life is so full of problems we can't control, let's not make more within our control!

And I should mention why I don't administer forums anymore (I still own 2 but they sit pretty much idle). I simply got completely burnt out on drama like this. Even after I learned to rationalize it, I got to the point that I just didn't want to spend my time trying to make people get along. HOWEVER, I still find the Internet forum the single MOST valuable resource for deep engagement on topics. Facebook/Twitter/etc and their "sound bits" have a purpose, but they don't hold a candle to places like this.
And I should mention why I don't administer forums anymore (I still own 2 but they sit pretty much idle). I simply got completely burnt out on drama like this. Even after I learned to rationalize it, I got to the point that I just didn't want to spend my time trying to make people get along. HOWEVER, I still find the Internet forum the single MOST valuable resource for deep engagement on topics. Facebook/Twitter/etc and their "sound bits" have a purpose, but they don't hold a candle to places like this.

So why is this your initial entry and you have entered here just to stir the pot on an old subject that was put to bed?

Foggy20 (Can only assume the original Foggy) chose to bring this topic back to the top, not kpj5br. So an admin here deleted it (foggy20 was just letting us know how much we suck).

I appreciate the comments form kpj5br - he's right. It's not a thankful job.

Haven't done it in a long time, but I guess it's time to go remove another user :)

It's been 6 months or so since the tornados ripped through. Things have started to green up but the landscape will never look the same. Sometimes the aftermath appears at first to be a terrible tragedy but as time goes on it becomes a blessing in disguise. Other times the land never recovers and the great days of the past are missed. Only time will tell what establishes in the voids left from this storm.
Only time will tell what establishes in the voids left from this storm.
Apparently it will be mostly apple trees........
So why is this your initial entry and you have entered here just to stir the pot on an old subject that was put to bed?


Hi Tree Spud - nice to meet you. I totally understand where you're coming from with that assumption, I see that before this popped up on top it was a little dated as John said. Just to add a couple facts - not even close to my "initial entry", I'd welcome you to check some of my other posts, seems like I've posted a couple times a week since I joined, but it's becoming clear to me that emotions do run high here. That can be a really good thing (passion equals excellence). Again, from what I can tell, great group here, keep it up as long as it can last, I certainly learn a lot!
I still participate here for the learning I get from others on a variety of subjects. I try to share some of the things I've learned from others and from personal experience. Much of what I've learned here ( mainly ), and 2 other forums has worked for me and my camp. Our apples, crabs, and pears are doing really well thanks to folks on here. We've tried - successfully - some of the food plot advice and that too is working well. Forums like this are great for sharing knowledge and experience, as well as resources to other info from experts.

Pi$$ing contests by internet are just a waste of time. Switch to another topic and avoid the crap. If someone else's blood is boiling - let THEM boil. Why join in ???
I like this little forum. That's why I decided to stay when "stuff" happened. There may not be 100's of us but I genuinely like this group.

That and you all tolerate me :D.
I'll be brutally honest. The entire reason I came here was because most of the MN guys had become "friends," and a couple of them have been ridiculously good to me over the years. I didn't really want to, as I already spend too much time on forums. It quickly became my favorite place on the net. Then the exodus happened. Some were banned, while others left as a sign of solidarity. Sorry, John, but my honest opinion is that the wrong ones were banned, when removing just the one that keeps going out of their way specifically to cause crap was left alone. That said, I personally believe nothing should have been done at all. We're all big boys here and can handle ourselves and choose whether we interact with muck rakers or not (at least the ones involved in that incident). However, this is John's site and he has the right to do whatever he wants...The crickets here since has been the result, as every action causes some form of reaction. I keep checking here because I still have some "friends" here....yes, as much as it makes me feel icky and dirty to write it, that group includes Bill...And I hope it comes back to life eventually. It can never be what it was again, but it could still be something good....or it could continue dying a slow death. Time will tell. Either way, it's my sincere belief that allowing others to sincerely get under your skin on the net is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much mental masturbation for my taste and a complete waste of time, energy and emotions. who the heck cares what some idiot on the net thinks?!?!?! And I'm including myself as one of those "idiots." Take the good, don't let the "bad" get to you, as every one of us are tragically flawed in one way or another, none of us are right all the time, we all have bad hair days and there's just soooooooooooooooooooo much more important things in life to address than some idiot saying something stupid on the net.
Icky and dirty...

Glad I could help :D :D
Bill - post #49 & 51 ........... Yep, we tolerate you ........... even IF you're from Jersey !!!!! :D:D ( Pa. guy talkin' )
Steve - X2 my good man. Too many great sources of 1st-hand knowledge lost because of 1 incendiary individual. Still good guys here though. I enjoy checking in.
As one who has joined on this forum only 2 months ago, BUT - I have owned, administered, managed, and otherwise dealt with forums like this from the 1990s until 2008 - figured I'd just try to be encouraging.

To All: In the words of my late father-in-law "We're all about 30% batshit crazy, it just shows up in different ways. Try to be tolerant"

To John (I guess who runs the site): not sure how long you've been doing this, but from a guy who did it for over 10 years, you will surely NEVER please everybody! Just remember you do a service, and as long as you're able and willing there are lots of "silent" people that truly appreciate it.

To Members/Participants: Try to stay happy and don't get emotionally involved over the Internet. We ALL have people in our lives that drive us crazy (usually in our own family or at work) that we pretty much HAVE to get involved with on some level. Just remember that reading something on a forum is just like reading a book - you can be offending by that content, disagree with it, want to burn the book, etc. But to keep your blood pressure in check just view it rationally, and move on. Developing anger (a life-shortening thing) around someone you will likely NEVER even meet is a total waste.

Peace guys - life is so full of problems we can't control, let's not make more within our control!

Dipper? Is that you?
Dipper? Is that you?

No way.
kpj's face isn't all distorted in his profile pic. :D

Kpj may not get that joke.
Funny Bill.....funny!:D