Wickson An CAR

Jordan Selsor

5 year old buck +
Well pretty dang disappointed in Wickson. It is chewed up with CAR. Hope it powers through! Not a ton of info on this tree when I researched it but what I did find described it as DR. Guess it’s another Goodrush type grower 244E817D-CE87-415C-B51A-99D0F272E537.jpeg
That is discouraging. I have maybe half a dozen Wickson that I have been waiting on. I haven't noticed any CAR yet on mine. Hopefully your tree powers through.
CAR has not been bad on my Wickson yet.

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Yea that looks pretty rough. One of my Northern Whitetail Crab trees looks similar - the Yellow Del. The others are okay. I will likely topwork it at some point. The Goldrush gets topworked next spring. Tired of looking at it.
Yep, Wickson’s are susceptible to CAR. Mine also got CAR, although yours seems to have a worse case than mine did. The following year they did fine, but they were moved to a location where CAR was not an on-going problem. One year did not do any harm, but I am not sure how the Wickson will do if subjected to this infection year after year.
Our Wickson looks good for car. Honeygold, Honeycrisp, frostbite and Wealthy have been terrible for car.
Sweet Sixteen and Winter Banana had Car last year, but very mild cases.
My wickson looks same as yours just planted some this year disappointed too. Is there a spray that would help?
Our Wickson looks good for car. Honeygold, Honeycrisp, frostbite and Wealthy have been terrible for car.
I have 2 honeycrisp in same orchard plot. They have CAR but not nearly as bad as the wickson. The HC are slow growers compared to all my other trees. Thinking I may hack an regraft one of them.
My wickson looks same as yours just planted some this year disappointed too. Is there a spray that would help?
Not sure but I know someone around here will be able to answer that question!
My 2nd leaf goldrush has a few spots of rust in an area with a decent number of cedars within 200 yards, but not bad. Maybe I’ve just been lucky so far.

The wickson was on my list, would still like to try it at some point.

Thanks for sharing.
My 2nd leaf goldrush has a few spots of rust in an area with a decent number of cedars within 200 yards, but not bad. Maybe I’ve just been lucky so far.

The wickson was on my list, would still like to try it at some point.

Thanks for sharing.
Crazy how hit an miss it is! I have a pink lady that is supposed to be high maintenance. It’s 10 yards from this wickson. It looks immaculate! Guess I will plant a gold rush here an see how it does so we can all prepare notes! Lol
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Reports from around the Champlain Valley of Vermont where CAR infection is very high found Honeycrisp to be susceptible to CAR. Conversely, as proven in nursery testing Franklin to be "Immune" for IMG_3514.JPGIMG_3514.JPGCAR and SCAB with high resistance to Fireblight. Until further information is provided from growers across North America deeming Franklin "Immune" will need further supporting evidence. So far to date, there has been no reports of Fireblight affecting Franklin in any region where Fireblight is present. IMG_3514.JPG
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