WI Statewide Conservation Congress Spring Hearings, Monday 4-13-15


5 year old buck +
I am posting this link for anyone interested in attending one of their county meetings next Monday evening. The link is to the Spring Hearing Questionnaire, it has all the new proposals that are up for vote, and has a list of all the meeting locations for every county in the state. Get out to your meetings and make a difference. Missing one week of Dancing With The Stars isn't going to kill anyone.


Remember, if Scooter has his way, this may be the last time any of these proceedings will actually mean squat, as his newest budget seeks to make these meetings and groups like the CC and NRB into powerless figureheads.
I agree NoFo, Area C is just not set up to allow for that type of hunting. There are only a very small handful of areas where running dogs wouldn't infringe on potentially multiple landowners each and every time a dog gets released. In our old area, the dogs could have been released onto the county land a 1/2 mile north from the road and within 5 minutes they could have been potentially trespassing on 5 other private properties, the smallest of which would have been 20 acres. What happens when these dogs start chasing bears through peoples backyards in condo subdivisions near Castle Rock and Petenwell Flowages.
Running Bear in C, bad Idea. Opening the season early in C, good idea. Seems like they want to complicate the panfish regs. I just like a simple limit of 10 regardless of species.