Who's ready to plant?


5 year old buck +
Go big or go home! I just dug a couple trees out of my nursery.


You can sweep the floor with these brooms!
" a couple" ?
CE are some of those like 8ft tall?! I think you said you are transplanting only 2 yr post grafted trees.

So 3rd leaf will happen this year at finaly spot? Truely impressive man, consider me jealous, great growth!

So awesome!

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These trees were grafted in April 2014 and yes some of them are probably 8' tall. They will all be headed back a bit but i wanted a picture straight out of the garden.

They all came out of the nursery with relative ease. The ground was very moist and pretty loose. Most of them I could just gently pull. Some of the rootballs were interwoven but i dont think it should be a big deal the rootmasses were excellent. If they were not excellent they are getting another year of pampering.

For comparison here's my order from Cummin's in 2012 which by looking back at pictures is probably some of the best stock i've ever purchased. In 2012 there were a bunch of trees that IMO were above average in size.
I am not ready to plant and it may be Armageddon this Tuesday with lows expected near 14 degrees and worse is we will have nice weather this week for a few more days which will take some of my trees into the half inch green and my crabs to tight cluster. According to the temp chart 15 is a 90% kill at 15 degrees so I am not very hopeful. I am just hoping the trees don't progress too much over the next few days. It was 25 last night so Hoping that slowed the growth :(
I can't believe I'm a grown man 'wowing' over root mass...but that's impressive!
Very nice! Perspective is everything, when you have posted pics of your trees in your nursery box I would have guessed nothing was taller than 5'. Looks like the roots did real well. I am a little hesitant to plant my trees closer than 18" to each other in the nursery. This year that distance is going to have to tighten a bit to allow everything to fit.
Yeah if you have the space i certainly don't prefer to grow them this close. My backyard is tiny and I just dont have much to work with.

I was very happy with the results of the growth, the ease of removal, the rootsystems. And just as excited to get a closer look at this year's class with some of the big trees out. While these trees are monsters i've got a beautiful class of next trees I am already excited to watch take off this year.
Those trees look great! I planted my trees from Turkey Creek this past weekend.
I just got trees from Cummins on Friday. They're in a cool garage in relative dark. I think I'll wait until this cold snap is over and done before planting.
I just got trees from Cummins on Friday. They're in a cool garage in relative dark. I think I'll wait until this cold snap is over and done before planting.

I think thats a foolproof idea!
Wow, Ed/Matt...really nice trees! I sense a second career coming on.