White Paint


5 year old buck +
Can you school me on this? Does this protect against rabbits and mice as well as sun? Or do I need to put a screen over that as well for protection? Trees are fully caged for deer..

I planted my first four trees this weekend and forgot bark protection and now I'm worrying I'm going to find chewed up trees when I go back this weekend to finish the project... #ROOKIEAPPLETREEPLANTER
Paint is for sun, screen for rodents.
Given a chance, they will eat paint and all if hungey enough.

Guessing u r gunna be ok, with fresh greens available the bunnies and mice should have better options than bark. Deer on the other hand are always a concern but u got that covered.

Cages for deer, window screens for mice/rabbits and white latex paint for sun.

Even then something goes wrong occasionally, but going with that plan will increase the odds of success.
Paint is also for borers. There has been a few recent threads about it.
I've read of guys adding hot sauce to the latex for rodent control, anyone have experience with that?
I believe some are mixing plaster into the 50/50 latex paint to aid with keeping borers at bay as well as some insecticide especially around the base; if, and you should use aluminum window screen make sure you have it folded tight - you dont want openings for mice and you down want space between the screen for mice and voles to move around in behind the screen and make sure you pack a little dirt around the base of the trunk and screen so the mice wont get under it.
I have also read about adding sevin.
I believe some are mixing plaster into the 50/50 latex paint to aid with keeping borers at bay as well as some insecticide especially around the base; if, and you should use aluminum window screen make sure you have it folded tight - you dont want openings for mice and you down want space between the screen for mice and voles to move around in behind the screen and make sure you pack a little dirt around the base of the trunk and screen so the mice wont get under it.

Per Native Hunter’s recs, I have been cutting one end of the screen and folding both sides down against the weed mat and then putting a staple through each side so the rodents can’t lift it up and get underneath.

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