which chainsaw is best sthil ?

I use the marine formula sta-bil in my outboards and for all the typical small 2 cycle motors like brush cutters and saws. Good for about 6 months. A full year might be pushing it and find when my saw is idling ok but dogs it bad when trying to get up to full rev, fresh gas is always the first thing to try.
What do you think of the premixed fuel? I had been unconvinced by an acquaintance who sang it's merits. I couldn't get past $30 a gallon. It kept ringing in my head. I bought a quart and tried it. Neighbor had a saw that wouldn't start. We put in the premix and off she went on the second pull. I'm not going to use it regularly but I will run a little thru the tank on occasion and store my 2-cycle engines with it in then tank......but I don't know why? I'm sure I can roll my own.

Most likely the fuel you gave him was fresh.

In our area you can get premium fuel with no ethanol added. A gallon of premium with oil added is about $4.25/gal. I keep 2 five gal jugs of premium grade on hand for all of my small engines plus make a gal of mixed as required. Fuel is turned over about every 30 days so always fresh.
Most likely the fuel you gave him was fresh.

In our area you can get premium fuel with no ethanol added. A gallon of premium with oil added is about $4.25/gal. I keep 2 five gal jugs of premium grade on hand for all of my small engines plus make a gal of mixed as required. Fuel is turned over about every 30 days so always fresh.
I grew up on a farm, and heated it with wood, and have used many different saws in my time. I have had some very finicky saws, and some very heavy saws. To be totally honest, my favorite saw was an old Poulan Wildthing with an 18 inch blade. The thing would start every time, no matter how little I used it, it was pretty light, and if you kept a sharp chain on it, it cut pretty nice for what I used it for. Now it was under powered, and the bar is not very sturdy, but for small stuff, it was an awesome saw. Today I still use it for smaller stuff, and hinge cutting 8 inch or smaller trees, or even branching downed trees. But for the bigger stuff, I use Stihl. I dont know if the new Poulan saws are junk, or maybe they all are, and I got lucky with mine, I am just stating my experience with a cheap, inexpensive saw that I have had for well over a decade, and have cut hundreds of trees.
I have had a Stihl Farm Boss for about the last 20 years and I have run it pretty hard. I just had to replace the coil but that is the only thing it has ever needed. I also have a 201T that I have had for the last 2-3 years for habitat work. Great saw but not something the average homeowner needs. I have been looking at a MS 261 as a replacement for the Farm Boss and because we just got a new wood stove insert and will be burning wood. I am a Stihl guy and only run non ethanol in all my small engines. 2-3 years ago I had to drive 30 minutes to a marina to get it, now there are 2 places in town that carry it.
We've owned only Stihl saws. They treat us well, but I've heard husky is great also. Still have an 056 which sits anymore. I'm not man enough for it anyway. 361 has been the workhorse for a number of years. It does every job, big or small. A few years ago we wised up and shopped for a very lightweight saw to do all the easy stuff. Ended up with a rear handle 192. Sized up the bar and it can actually handle some pretty large wood. I wish I would've gone with the 201 model instead, but it's on my wishlist. We don't cut as much as most of you guys. Mostly just clean-up work. Back in the day, my dad cut over a hundred full cord a year, always with stihl.

Oh yeah, I run ethanol. Just keep it treated and fresh. Used stabil but have since switched to seafoam. Had an Echo weed whacker from the early 90's finally crappie out last summer... ran e-10 in it for as long as I remember. Same deal with the 361. Must've owned it since the early 2000's.
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MS201. MS200 if you can find one.
I’ve got a Husqvarna 550 XP with a 20” bar headed my way. It will pair nicely with my 450 and runs the same bar and chain. While the same displaceent it is lighter with more up than my current saw
Stihl Farm Boss MS-290 kills it.
I have a Husqvarna Rancher that I'm also happy with, but the Farm Boss is the go to Beast. The Farm Boss has takena lot of abuse. 18" bar for sure.
I have a Dolmar Ps-5100 and love it. No problems and cuts great. Also have a Stihl and it is a great saw also.