Where do you store your tractor?

Northbound may be the exception to the rule, but I was told that I would end up paying for a shed whether I built it or not. Got a metal building. Dirt floor, but that's gonna be improved at some point.
I use this. Open door, insert tractor, close door.
Keep in mind though that when you have one of these, the wife can find all sorts of things to store in there to keep her house uncluttered.
Very nice! I like it.
Mine goes in the garage.... Now I only have a little 790, but I figured for the $$ I spent it needed to stay inside. I have had it out in out building before and I had mice making nests on the engine and chew a fuel line....

I had to double check the height of my door as my ROPS is fixed and if I put bar tires on my machine it won't fit....so I use R4 industrial tires....
I actually have an "extra" tractor right now. I was using an older 674 ( 74 hp ) International for all my hunting land needs and then my wife got me a new tractor for fathers day that has a FEL. So i had the 674 sitting outside with the brush hog on it and my father-in-law got on my case to get it inside before winter. He doesnt let any machinery sit outside and it drove him crazy that I left it out for a month. So I had to spend about three days arranging everything to get everything to fit and store other stuff that was sitting around in the shed. The old saying is true...you can never build it big enough!