Where are they now?


looking through last years pics and I came across a few that were regulars then poof, gone. Over the years there have been many like that. I can't be the only one. Post them up. Doesn't have to be a mega buck just a good one for your area that vanished on you.

This guy was on my farm all summer last year. Vanished in early Sept never to be seen again.

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This guy was a regular on my dad's land for a couple years. If I had more time to hunt the rut those years I may have got a shot at him. We had a good number of daytime photos the first week of November two years in a row. Not sure what happened to him. My dad thinks he was hit by a car just down the road from us. He helped a guy load a "big bodied" roadkill into his truck. He said someone had cut the antlers off but the bases were huge for our area. I'm still hoping (dreaming) that maybe he shifted his home range in 2016 and that he will be back this year. I've read of bucks doing that when they are 4 or 5 years old.
Almost sure he died of old age. But I never found a trace. We spent years playing cat and mouse.

The mouse won!

I guess him at 8 or 9 in this pic. But who knows his antlers were never more than a heavy 8. Heck he could of been 10 before I noticed how friggin big his body was.

Oh and I had him at full draw once. But he was just out of range and looking at me.

I let the bow down and he ran. Last time we looked at each other eye to eye.
He's a horse :emoji_astonished:
I'll see if Chuck will put up the wide antlers buck we had around the place last year.
He's a mystery. We had pics from late spring to just before bow season, but then he disappeared.

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Our best two from last year.

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Abby Normal just disappeared.

We passed this deer last year and he got run over on the highway about 3 weeks later. We were watching him when this pic was taken.

This pair spent the whole summer here and vanished in thin air.

Look at the body on this one. He disappeared late that year. Probably died of old age.

I had high hopes for this 2 year old and he just vanished.

I passed this deer and had a pic of him leaving the farm the next day. Never saw him again.

This deer left and showed back up last winter for about a week after being gone for 3 years. I'm expecting him back as a 7 year old this fall,

This deer got poached 2 farms away. They caught the guy.

Another young one I had hopes for - gone without a trace.

Heartbreaking some times. I have to dig through some older pics and find some more.
This guy was around all summer in 2014. Vanished in late Sept. I found him dead in the spring. No clue what happened. Probably a bad rifle hit. Far from the road but could have been hit.

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We had him on the pass list, 2014 Gone never to heard of again. If he comes back now it would be amazing. In many ways!

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Can't find the pics but we had a piebald buck back in 2011. Nice young 8 pt at our salt block cam. Next year he was a 10 pt. Can't remember if we got any pics but the neighbors saw him while spotlighting. A guy hunting on the neighbor's saw him in rifle season but he had no buck tag. Heard of a couple sightings the next year but nothing after that. Never heard of anyone taking him, poaching him, or being hit by a car.
I hope Abby shows back up somehow. He was just cool.

I don't think there is any chance Bill. There was never a day he wasn't here and now gone since November. If he was alive he would be here. But, we can hope anyway!