When to pick pears?


5 year old buck +
First year with pears and don't know when to pick them. I've read not to leave them on the tree til they soften, but other than that I'm clueless.

Moonglow pear that hangs in the sun.IMG_20200917_183528.jpg

Moonglow pear that hangs in the shade.IMG_20200917_183535.jpg

A couple of pears from either a Bartlett or Kieffer, I've lost track.
Almost all pears need to ripen off the tree. They soften from the inside out on the tree. So if you wait until it feels ripe on the tree it is over-ripe inside. Press firmly on the stem end of the pear when the tip of your thumb. When it "gives" a little it is ripe enough to pick. List it sit in the shade or indoors for aboiut a week. Keep checking them. It will get juicier as it ripens. When it skin is soft to the touch...enjoy. Pears are soft and juicy like a ripe peach, not crunchy like some apples. once ripe they do not have a long shelf life. If you want them to last longer, refrigerate them and remove them from the refrigerator a few at a time to fully ripen. I don't have a lot of exerience with pears, except Bartletts . Luscious pears (best pear I've ever eaten) will ripen on the tree without going too soft on the inside.
Two pears that I love to eat right off the tree are Ayers and Kieffer. Ayers is soft and sweet right off the tree. Kieffer is crunchy, but sweet and the juice will literally flow all over your hands when you peel it. Most of my other pears varieties from WG are also fine right off the tree.

I have what I purchased as a Moonglow, and I have never figured it out. The pears are a massive size, and the tree is highly disease resistant, but I don't care for the taste regardless of what I do. Pick early or pick late - it doesn't seem to matter. However, I wonder if my tree is really a Moonglow. When you look on the Internet you will see dozens of pictures of Moonglow, and my pears don't resemble most of them. Below is what my Moonglow looks like. It came from a reputable nursery, but I wonder if it is something else.

Pears are my favorite fruit to grow and to eat. Like Prof Kent said they will continue to ripen after picking.
I usually start picking for the family when I see a few fall. My all time favorite eating pear is Kieffer just right sweet and I love the firm crunch. I like picking one or two on the way to my tree stand.

Native, I’ve had the same experience as you with my Moonglow. I’ve tried to like them but whenever I’ve had them they are kind of mushy, extremely sweet pears. I just don’t like the soft texture off the tree. They are a great pollinators and wildlife seem to really like them they never last.
Pears are my favorite fruit to grow and to eat. Like Prof Kent said they will continue to ripen after picking.
I usually start picking for the family when I see a few fall. My all time favorite eating pear is Kieffer just right sweet and I love the firm crunch. I like picking one or two on the way to my tree stand.

Native, I’ve had the same experience as you with my Moonglow. I’ve tried to like them but whenever I’ve had them they are kind of mushy, extremely sweet pears. I just don’t like the soft texture off the tree. They are a great pollinators and wildlife seem to really like them they never last.

The ones I have are nothing like that. They never seem to soften much and are never very sweet. But, they are excellent for deer.
The ones I have are nothing like that. They never seem to soften much and are never very sweet. But, they are excellent for deer.

Very strange.
The texture and consistency of the fruit off mine are just above stiff applesauce and are almost to sweet. They about go bad on the tree before they drop but everything seems to eat them up.