When should frost seeded clover come up in NY?


5 year old buck +
I broadcasted some ladino clover this spring (end of February and then again end of March) into my last fall's brassica plot (which is all dirt now). I just went back there and I'm not seeing much coming up. I didn't get down on my hands and knees to see if there were tiny germinating things though. My fear is the winter dragged forever here in NY and we had snow storm in march after I frost seeded which covered the seeds with a foot of snow and then April was a cold one with many nights below freezing. My fear is the seeds may have germinated and then the late winter killed them. Should I be seeing clover by now here in NY? How big should it be at this time? thanks.
Clovers grow down (below soil level) before they grow up elcipseman. I wouldn't be too concerned if you don't see anything above ground yet.
Clovers grow down (below soil level) before they grow up elcipseman. I wouldn't be too concerned if you don't see anything above ground yet.
thanks for the info. Any idea when I should probably be seeing something? I’ve noticed weeds coming in, should I spray those or just wait for the clover to get a bit taller?
If I plant Ladino in the spring it's usually around Memorial day and takes a couple weeks to start seeing it. By frost seeding I've found that I might only gain a week on the germination. The ground is just too cold. You should start seeing clover by Memorial day or a bit after. I wouldn't spray anything on the young clover until it gets good and established. I've found here in NY you can establish a good clover stand just by mowing a couple times through the summer and fall. Just don't mow when we're in a bad dry spell but, that rarely happens here anyway.
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If I plant Ladino in the spring it's usually around Memorial day and takes a couple weeks to start seeing it. By frost seeding I've found that I might only gain a week on the germination. The ground is just too cold. You should start seeing clover by Memorial day or a bit after. I wouldn't spray anything on the young clover until it gets good and established. I've found her in NY you can establish a good clover stand just by mowing a couple times through the summer and fall. Just don't mow when we're in a bad dry spell but, that rarely happens here anyway.
Good to know, thanks for the info!