what ticks can do

Republicans didn't complain about Romney care because there are so few in Massachusetts you wouldn't hear their voice over the bleeding hearts in that state.

Any time the government gets involved in anything it becomes mismanaged and too expensive. If it's not in the constitution, they should stay out.

As for bringing up Jesus. I'm all for charity and helping the less fortunate because I CHOOSE to do so. A government that confiscates from me has nothing to do with Jesus so save it for someone who might fall for your BS.

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Won't get muddy but my personal coverage went south once the law passed.
My co pay went from $20 to $50
Out of pocket annual went from $2000 to $6000

What drove me nuts when I ran a company and insured over 200 people were the regulations the insurance lobbies got put in place. State lines was a big one, it was cheaper to insure Florida employees than it was NJ employees but we couldn't get NJ insurance from the Florida insurance company. We also couldn't join a co-op in our industry to have more buying power. If they let all the deer habitat guys buy as a group we would command cheaper rates. IMO those two fixes would make a world of differance.

The problem is the gov has always been involved. That's why can't join the American deer hunters co-op and buy insurance for 1 million people from the cheapest, best supplier. Gov on any level rarely improves things.

Sorry to hear this story, glad they figured it out and hope your son continues to improve. Hopefully faster as time goes on.

Bill - Your points are valid. The ideal " fix " for medical ins. is complicated for sure. I'd be in favor of pools of people ( hunters or anyone else ) banding together to get lower rates. Don't quite understand why that can't happen. That very thing was pointed out by a M.I.T. economist on 60 minutes, I believe. He said the way to spread risk is by having as many people in the ins. system as possible, which would keep rates lower. I hope the smartest people can get some concrete ideas and arrive at a solution so people can be covered. I think the most popular points of what the Obama plan has ( by polls of all Americans ) are the 2 that keep ins. companies from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions, and keeping your kids on with you until they're 26 ( if necessary ). People of all political stripes want to keep those. Like you said, Bill, the ins. lobbies put the state line thing in there - it wasn't stipulated by Obama. It was to the ins. cos. advantage to do the state line clauses.

I agree government can't solve all problems. I do think however, that for some things, ( like medical ins. ) government needs to set some rules so ins. companies can't collect premiums and then deny coverage. What's the point of insurance then ?? In the case of Keystone Paul's son, or Tap - I believe - who said he has R.A., who determines " pre-existing conditions " ?? Before the Obama-care law, ins. companies were giving the boot to lots of people that had cancer, heart problems, MS, etc. I never meant to sound like Obama-care was the panacea for medical coverage, but those 2 points are good ones - for ALL people. And the ins. companies would still be booting people - and may very well again. At least Trump said he wanted to keep those 2 provisions in any replacement. I hope they stay. Sickness and disease strike people of all backgrounds.

Reagan - I'm not offended by your " bleeding heart " comment at all. As we enter Holy Week, I'll focus on Someone whose heart bled for us all. I'm not ashamed to care about my fellow human beings and hope by some means we can all get medical coverage. Peace to you, Reagan. I mean it - really. :emoji_v::emoji_thumbsup:
appreciate the thoughts folks...guess I can comment on healthcare since it's my thread
1 spent 20 years across for our HR office as they took calls through multiple administrations (dem and Rep PRIOR to Obama) from our insurance carrier saying our companies policy would increase from 20-45% depending on the year to continue with the same coverage for our employees as we had last year.....THAT was why Obamacare was needed- now the only things you need to know about things from then until now: 1. Dems should have included Republicans in creating the universal healthcare act, 2. Republicans should have used the last 8 years to help make the act better, NOT try to get rid of it, prove it's unconstittutional, prove Obama was Kenyan, etc, etc, 3. Obama care benifited many, and had more good than bad. 3. Neither Republicans NOR democrats did anything to fix those bad things in the past 8 years. 4. Republicans had 8 years to craft a sensible healthcare plan ready to roll out when they had the chance and obviously did not. 4. NOW republicans don't even include segments of their own party in crafting their version- with results one would suspect, 5. If you ALLOW health insurers to leave out coverage for the ER, maternity, PT, wellness visits, and on and on, for sure healthcare coverage WILL be cheaper- useless, but cheaper.....Now why do we need a universal healthcare act - cause only poop rolls downhill....Any savings and breaks you give coorporate folks will benifit the compainies bottom line and the coorporate bonuses and golden parachutes.. oh and just to keep this post on message- remember folks under the Republican plan if you get lyme disease and you switch jobs, under the republican act which will come into play at some time, you new insurance may very well not cover your on-going lyme treatment cause it's preexisting- and before we go off on the health insurance should only be for catastrophic events crap- that horse left the barn years ago- We live in the greatest country in the world- the only reason insurance companies don't want to cover the ER, PT, Maternity, etc is greed. Reasonable coverage that insurance comanies can survive on and Americans can afford should be the answer- and when you eliminate greed from both ends that certainly can be achieved.....not in our disfuntianal system we presently suffer through, but someday.
Keystonepaul - I sure hope your son does well and recovers completely. I think most families have someone with an on-going medical problem.

I wish to God we could leave the Dem. and Rep. name-calling and hostility out of our nation's discussions. What does that solve ?? I've heard many of your points from the doctor I have in the family and my own doctors. As long as insurance companies operate on a for-profit basis, the bottom line ........ will be the bottom line. Look at the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on lobbying by the ins. companies each year. That's our premium money being used to enact laws that deny us coverage !! Or put loop-holes in that benefit the ins. companies. The old system wasn't working either - as you pointed out - because premiums kept going up at a staggering rate each year, and coverage was being picked apart. That's why the general public was screaming for something to be changed - ( before Obama came in ). Obama-care isn't perfect for sure, fix the bad, keep the good.

And back to ticks ...... does anyone remember a time when there weren't so many ticks ?? When I was younger - 60's and 70's - we never even heard about ticks in the northern part of Pa. We slept out on the ground in sleeping bags all the time ( in farm country ) and nobody ever got ticks. Now they're out even in the winter !!
Getting back to ticks. Never been bit. How do you not know one is bitting you. Do you not feel it, do they not itch? Ticks are just spreading to my area, never saw one till last year. Going to have to keep a close eye on the kids.
In a side note. I have 30% of my 401K in health insurance stocks. I pay a lot for coverage, copays, and deductibles every year might as well get some back on the back end.
ticks ...... does anyone remember a time when there weren't so many ticks ?? When I was younger - 60's and 70's - we never even heard about ticks in the northern part of Pa. We slept out on the ground in sleeping bags all the time ( in farm country ) and nobo

That's true as a kid I worked 5 weeks in the summer at the Boy Scout camp. Lived in a tent in the woods. Never saw a tick and we trumped all over the place.

Getting back to ticks. Never been bit. How do you not know one is bitting you. Do you not feel it, do they not itch? Ticks are just spreading to my area, never saw one till last year. Going to have to keep a close eye on the kids.

No their evil you can't feel them bite. It does itch after they have been stuck on you for about 12 hours. Sometimes you can feel the bigger ones walking inside a pant leg or on your arm. The little ones are like chiggers when you figure it out, it's usually to late.
I think a free market would solve a lot of problems. But we don't have a truly free market.

If people could freely choose their insurance from any provider anywhere, would the customer follow the best providers and drop the worst? If an insurance company did a poor job serving their customers, eventually they would go out of business.

Laws concocted by government stifle the free market.

Money poured into a system drives up cost. If the supply of money increases, the demand for the money increases. Government paying for anyone's health care will only drive up the cost of it for all.

It is similar to college tuition. People used to go to college and pay their way. It was expensive but it could be done. Now you can borrow a life changing amount of money for college so the cost of college continues to rise at a rate faster than inflation. Just like health care costs.

The two things that increase 20-60% every year? Health care and college.

Those just happen to be the two things many politicians now claim to be a right. The two things that government keeps trying to fix but they keep getting worse.

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I'm from PA too. Had Lymes 2 years ago. Crippled me to the point I couldn't get out of be. Had a relapse last summer, crippled me again. It seems to attack my left groin area to the point I can't lift the weight of my leg accompanied with extreme pain. Plus all the other horrible symptoms, really depressing, feels like your dying. Hope your son gets well.
I had a tick on me 2 years ago and never knew it was there until I looked in the mirror after showering. I had to have it cut out it was in so deep. 7 or 10 days of Doxycycline from Dr. I never felt a thing after it bit and chewed it's way in.
Some very sobering personal experiences in this thread.

Had my first tick of the year on me today, I was caging a couple trees and checking cameras earlier. Sat down to watch some TV and felt something moving in the neck of my shirt.
Glad you found it. ^^^^^^
For those of you not accustomed to ticks, buy some Permethrin spray. Sawyer's is the most popular. You spray your clothing and boots down before wearing and let it dry. It works, really well. Don't spray on your skin. Secondly, I always check myself as soon as I come in from working. A tick attached less than 3 hours has a lot lower percentage of causing illness, according to my Doc.
Last weekend I was out and the dogs were loaded with them. I never found one on me, but they were just the tiny little ones, like the pin head size.
Last weekend I was out and the dogs were loaded with them. I never found one on me, but they were just the tiny little ones, like the pin head size.
Their the ones that give you lymes. Deer tick
Scary but informative threads on ticks. I've been using permethrin for a few years, but after reading these posts I treated a set of clothes for my 5 year old son too. My dad had an early case of Lyme's in the 80's. None of the docs could figure it out. His knees hurt so bad he could hardly walk. They finally gave him penicillin and a week later he was good to go, forevermore. It wasn't before they operated on his wrists, though.

I could write a chapter about obamacare. My wife has spent approximately 50 hours on the phone since my 4th child was born in late January. Three entities - medicaid (and it's various forms), the marketplace, and the health insurance company, do not communicate with one another. It's an absolute trainwreck. IL is a medicaid expansion state. That's the goal, to get everyone on medicaid. In my state you can make $100K if you're a family of 6 and still be placed on medicaid. And here's the thing. It can cost you more than being on your private insurance bought through the marketplace. We learned there are copays, premiums, and NO CAP on outpatient costs. Plenty of good doctors "will not take new patients" if you're on medicaid. And the marketplace and IL's state program use different income standards from each other! My wife and I have been buying private health insurance from the same company since we were married in '11. As of this year, the company dropped out of the marketplace, leaving IL with 2. It's just a mess. We're trying to buy full priced, totally private insurance and we can't even do it because it's the closed enrollment period. If you go to BCBS website they direct you straight to healthcare.gov.
I heard them talking about this on a talk show out of the Minneapolis/St. Paul area...

The acorn crop dictates the size of the mouse population - mice are one of the biggest carriers of lymes (and pass it onto other ticks in their various stages of life).

This article does a better job of explaining it than I can:

Sounds like an all out war on rodents is in order (I'm already there!).

Reading that article led me to this one. http://www.deerfriendly.com/lyme-disease/4-poster-system-for-tick-control

Often in summer trail cam pics our deer are loaded with ticks. Sometimes it's gross to see a doe with 100's of them on their face and neck. Seems to me this would help and a guy could make one with a gravity feeder and some paint rollers. Permethrin comes in powder form. Look for ground wasp powder and all it is is Permithrin.

I can't do it as I'm in a CWD no baiting Zone. But if I could I think I'd experiment.
appreciate the thoughts and the knowledge also shared folks.
J-bird, thanks for sharing yourself, and will keep a postive thought and prayers for your daughter as well. you are right about the delays. If I had to do it over I'd have procured some doxy from somewhere when we first suspected lymes.....
You focus on your boy.....I just wanted to let you know that your experience is more common than many think. You even need to vent sometime - look me up, been down a similar road and I understand the need to just get it out sometime. Not gonna hug and sing songs or nothing like that, but sometimes a person just needs to let it out in some manner.

Many think you get sick, you go to the Dr and everything is fine. Well, it doesn't always work that way and in some cases doctors are not as smart as they would have you believe. Don't get me wrong....many are just fine, but even in med school, somebody finished last in the class!