What stage are you trees?


5 year old buck +
And your location?

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Just got the first look at my trees since March. I'd say apples are 50% petal fall, 25% each, bloom and fruit set. Pears have all set fruit. They are calling for 33 tonight, but I'm a bit low here, so hoping I don't have much/any damage. Crop load looks very high this year. I'm in southern MI, 5b.
5/6 here in Central NH zone 5b photo 1 (3).JPGphoto 2 (2).JPG
Tight cluster thru petal fall - depending on variety.
I am hoping for full bloom this weekend on most. Some will be the following week. Can't wait to get some pics. This weekend looks like 72 and no clouds!
Mine are all apples at this point:


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Between pink and petal fall for my trees here in the southern tier of new. 90 miles south on the farm, probably all at or beyond petal fall.
Maya great photo I want an orchard just like that one!

Thanks WT. Keep up the good work, looks like you are doing quite well yourself!
Full bloom to first pink (Medaille D'or ) on my late bloomers. This tree is just waking up now. Also Chisel Jersey slow to bloom as well as Brown Snout. King David's just finishing and my Ashmeads Kernel right in the middle of full bloom. All that in North Central PA Hope to get my first insecticide spray on most of my trees early next week
Full bloom to first pink (Medaille D'or ) on my late bloomers. This tree is just waking up now. Also Chisel Jersey slow to bloom as well as Brown Snout. King David's just finishing and my Ashmeads Kernel right in the middle of full bloom. All that in North Central PA Hope to get my first insecticide spray on most of my trees early next week

What is the ripening and drop time on those late blooming trees,and do the deer like to eat them?
What is the ripening and drop time on those late blooming trees,and do the deer like to eat them?
Lat October into November. Not sure what the deer would think but they are traditional cider varieties from France and UK. I will be making juice from these so the deer will get the pressings do some web research they are almost fool proof for late frosts but have some disease susceptibility I sent George (Maya) a scion of Medaille D'or but not sure if he grafted I was worried they were dead but they started popping this past week.
It is still a little hard for me to comprehend how far behind me some of you are, but once you get apples you will be catching me at a rapid pace.
You have longer days and therefore more sunlight to fuel those trees.
Ben, how was your fruit set over there? We ended up pretty good, despite the cold temps at green tip. One light dose of Carbaryl did the trick. These Gala's thinned out real well.
