What new to you varieties of apples will you be harvesting this year?

That Golden Hornet must be more hardy than some ads show.

Mine is on dolgo and started producing at a young age and survived this last winter.

Glad to hear you have had success.

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My Golden Hornet had die back year one but the last two winters has had zero. I talked to the guy from Cummins about it. He said he would chance it. The old English apples sometimes have a better cold tolerance than thought. It is on it’s 4th leaf and loaded with apples. Of coarse maybe it is not English and we were talking about a completely different apple, they all blend together over time.
Well if the squirrels, coon and bear don't get to them first I'll be tasting the following for the first time. Black Limbertwig, Red Royal Limbertwig, Kentucky Limbertwig, Kinnard's Choice, Terry Winter, Kaz PI 641000, Yates, Black Twig, Williams Pride, Winecrisp, Keener's Seedling and probably a few more I've forgotten.
I've been trying to find the difference between Black Twig and Black Limbertwig. Are they fairly similar to each other?
I have several newly planted apples that are producing fruit for the first time this year. These are still small trees but it’s gratifying to see them producing fruit early on. They still have some growing to do before fall.

Goldrush / B118 / Cummins 2018. I thinned to a few apples, but it wanted to put on more. (biggest one is lower right)
2019 07-02 First apples.JPG

Wickson / M111 / Cummins 2017. Just one lone apple, but tree itself is growing rapidly.
2019 07-02 first apple.JPG

Florina / B118 / Cummins 2017. Just a couple apples, but it’s only in been in the orchard two years and is growing like a weed!
2019 07-02 first apples.jpg
I've been trying to find the difference between Black Twig and Black Limbertwig. Are they fairly similar to each other?

I haven't tasted either yet, but they are two distinct varieties.
Franklin Cider will be new for me this year - third leaf on B.118 bought from Cummins.