What happened to my apple tree


A good 3 year old buck
Can anyone offer their opinion on what might have happened to this apple tree please? Some type of caterpillar? Deer? Most of the leaves are gone at this point but it isn't dead. New leaves have actually grown since the last time I checked on it.


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I could be mistaken, but that sure looks like classic deer browse damage to me. Your fencing is inadequate, being too low, too close, and not sturdy enough to prevent future deer damage. So far, no long-term damage has been done. But if not fenced properly, when winter arrives, it won’t be the leaves the deer eat, it will be the buds, which will seriously stunt your tree. I would urge you to make the investment in good fencing to protect your investment in this tree. Good luck!
Deer may have gotten some but there’s some type of bug/insect eating it too. Definitely need some better protection from deer.
I vote for caterpillars . I had some similar damage last year on a 2 year old apple about this time here in Virginia 6b and pulled the last few caterpillars off . . My tree was fenced in well so it was definitely not deer . I was really worried about the tree but it came back strong this year Good luck !
x2 caterpillars. Every October I have to keep my eyes open for them. Only tree that got hit this year was a sawtooth in the front yard. Won't kill the tree. Just defoliate it. Should bounce back next year.
We've had similar damage to our apple trees at camp. The higher leaves being chewed makes me think caterpillars of some sort or another bug chomping on them. If new leaves have formed / are forming - I'd follow the advice above and install better protection for your tree so deer don't finish it off. If you protect your tree, it should be fine next spring.

FWIW - we use 5 ft. tall concrete mesh for our cages, which we make in 4' to 5' diameter, and stake them well. Deer nip the ends of our limbs that protrude out of the cages, but not anything to worry about. Trees keep growing. Good luck with your tree(s).
Thank you for all the responses. Odd part is I have 2 pear trees and another apple tree in the same field and none of the leaves are eaten. Very strange to me that it is just the one. No matter the culprit I'll need to get some better protection for my trees and keep whatever is eating it away. I asked some questions on another thread and I have a list started to take better care/prep my trees so they can make it. Thanks again!
You can put tspe stocky side out to deter bugd from climbing. Tanglefoot is a option too.