What do you think about this wolf video?

Where can I get some.
I have seen this video a few times in the past. Interesting theory, but a real stretch to attribute all of that to wolves. Also an outright lie in there as well. They state that humans "could not" control the deer population in Yellowstone, to my knowledge since it was made a National Park(like all other National Parks) there has not been hunting allowed by the general public of any kind, especially anytime in semi-recent history, so of course humans could not control the cervid populations. I believe they may have had Government sharpshooters in there at times, but we all know how successful they are controlling the hog populations in problem areas, so it stands to reason that they would have issues controlling the populations of other game as well(like the deer herd in the WI CWD Zone). Given the opportunity, hunters could have controlled the "deer" populations and brought about many of these changes by reducing cervid numbers just like they do all around outside the Park. As I said, a huge stretch and some misinformation.
That guy could make a Colonoscopy sound fun.
This is a bit of a stretch.....dont you think?? Wow.....where does this Limey guy get off?
Now wait a minute guys! The wolves have done a bang up job of stabilizing the deer population in many areas of MN too. It's just that they stabilized it right around ZERO. But I bet they got berries and bears. What a crock!
Wolves are the democrats of the woods. They get praised for making things better, but all they have really done is make themselves fat and everything else worse.
That pile of excrement has been out there for a number of years. The federal effort to send in sharp shooters was often a joke of conservative circles because it was costing thousands per animal to try and kill them with federal mercenaries. They never let hunters in there. What could have been a tourism boon to the area ended up being an expensive failed government effort and tons of prime meat wasted on woodland terrorists that are now eating livestock and casing school yards.

Now you know where I stand.
I just plan don't like when someone with a British accent tells me anything that's right or wrong in or about America.
Go home a play with your fake Queen.

Oh and take Peirse with you!
I've hunted outside the north gate of Yellowstone in Montana. It used to be great hunting, but the wolves sure put an end to that. I can tell you flat out the hunters could have controlled the game populations if they were able. There was more shooting on those openers than I heard during any waupaca county gun opener. It was like a war zone.
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