What Brand Tractor Do You Own?

What Brand Tractor Do You Own?

  • John Deere

    Votes: 33 50.8%
  • Kubota

    Votes: 28 43.1%
  • New Holland

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • Massey Ferguson

    Votes: 3 4.6%
  • Case IH

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Mahindra

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 12.3%

  • Total voters
I find it "odd" that we do not have more Maharinda tractor owners on this site. I think they have had some pretty good sales on their products.....and offer a pretty attractive price point for an occasional user. I think our local dealer has sold quite a few tractors over the past 10 years. Not my cup of tea.....but I am surprised... none the less.

They caught my eye when looking last year. Lot of capability for the price. The dealerships near me didn’t really trip my fancy though. Didn’t give the guy a feeling of confidence that they’d still be selling mahindra in 5-10 years.
They caught my eye when looking last year. Lot of capability for the price. The dealerships near me didn’t really trip my fancy though. Didn’t give the guy a feeling of confidence that they’d still be selling mahindra in 5-10 years.
Yep. Same thoughts. I did operate one that my friend owns.....when he was putting some roofing on his new shed. We had a work crew of five guys helping him put up a new pole shed. He kinda trusted me to position him with the loader as he placed some rafters for the roof. Seemed that everything operated as it should.....even tho it was tricky placing him and the material in the right spot(s). I usually take on such things....even tho they are delicate.....as I feel I am a decent operator on such sketchy situations. He lived. lol
I find it "odd" that we do not have more Maharinda tractor owners on this site. I think they have had some pretty good sales on their products.....and offer a pretty attractive price point for an occasional user. I think our local dealer has sold quite a few tractors over the past 10 years. Not my cup of tea.....but I am surprised... none the less.

The list I put together was the top 6 selling tractors in the U.S. ranked top to bottom in sales. Surprised also no votes yet.
I did look at Mahindra before I bought my JD 4 series….mostly due to the internet hype at the time but also because of the lower price and higher loader capacity….plus the Rush Limbaugh commercials 😂

Maybe it’s just me but when I want to buy a tractor, I’d like the dealer to be a tractor & implement dealer. Not a used car, atv, UTV, and small engine repair shop. The sales pitch at the Mahindra dealer wasn’t my cup of tea either. It was based on comparing it to JD and Kubota as opposed to actually selling me a Mahindra.

And as far as loader capacity, I haven’t found it to be an issue. There isn’t a single thing in 3+ years of owning my land that I’ve tried to lift or move, and haven’t been able to.

But honestly, when I decided to buy a tractor I knew it would be green before I ever visited a dealer….and I knew the green paint and red key were going to cost a few extra dollars 😂. Not a single regret.
For me I was in the market for a compact tractor, the options were always green or orange. I went with orange, for 2 reasons. One being at 25hp I could still get minimal emissions with Kubota, the other, I called the green dealer 3 times, without being able to talk to a sales person, and then drove 40 miles to go look at them, and the salesman just said, walk the lot and look at them, then walked off, and never came out to check on me when looking at the tractors. I walked back inside, asked for a salesman, and they said they are around here somewhere. I left.

The Kubota dealer was 10 miles closer, and very friendly. The emission thing was a concern of mine, and JD didn’t have any 25hp tractors without, so I had many questions, and no one would bother to answer my questions from JD. I actually wanted a 35 hp tractor, but they all had emissions on the over 26hp tractors.
It’s crazy how we all have different experiences at different dealers. I had what I considered to be a very rude salesman at Kubota and the JD guys were great. Maybe a good experience is as simple as timing or maybe has more to do how each of us presents ourselves than the dealer.

I never speak poorly about a man’s wife, kids, dogs, or tractor……to his face😂.
Kubota MX6000. Started with a B7100 30 years ago, then added a 2000 L4300DT which I traded for the MX 1.5 years ago. Sold the B7100 to a neighbor when we downsized from two properties to one 10 years ago. All have been trouble free (so far)...
Of course, one needs toys to go with the tractor…picked up a John Deere 709 Rotary Cutter (4” cutting capacity for those larger saplings that are still haunting our place). This thing is a beast.
I find it "odd" that we do not have more Maharinda tractor owners on this site. I think they have had some pretty good sales on their products.....and offer a pretty attractive price point for an occasional user. I think our local dealer has sold quite a few tractors over the past 10 years. Not my cup of tea.....but I am surprised... none the less.
I was surprised ads well. We have a Mahindra dealer very close (it’s the nearest business to our farm). Lots of nice features for the price point, and some solid capacity ratings, but they don’t seem to move off the lot fast. I noticed some of the new “old stock” are already fading…I am not sure if I want a pink tractor.
My son in law’s father has a fairly new Kubota - 75 hp. He said when it does the exhaust system cleaning sequence, it looses power. I dont know - says he is going to trade it on a JD because of it. I dont notice any loss in power when my JD does it. What is the story?
My son in law’s father has a fairly new Kubota - 75 hp. He said when it does the exhaust system cleaning sequence, it looses power. I dont know - says he is going to trade it on a JD because of it. I dont notice any loss in power when my JD does it. What is the story?
The new John Deeres (up to 75hp) do not have an exhaust cleaning sequence. From what my neighbor has said (he has a 2018 5045E John Deere), there is no noticeable loss of power when his goes through the exhaust cleaning sequence.
The new John Deeres (up to 75hp) do not have an exhaust cleaning sequence. From what my neighbor has said (he has a 2018 5045E John Deere), there is no noticeable loss of power when his goes through the exhaust cleaning sequence.
I have a 2018 JD 5065 and there is no loss of power but my son in law’s dad has a 75 hp Kubota - a couple years old - and he said it is very noticeable - to the point he is thinking about getting rid of it.
I have a 2017 Kubota m7060. I bought it because of the price the private party was selling it at. They had 2 for sale, I should have bought both of them. A week later my dealer announced they were closing🙄. It’s been a great tractor though with very little issue other than routine maint. FYI- It loses no power when it does the regen cycle.

My JD dealer doesn’t really seem to give me the time of day when they realize I’m not going to be spending north of a million bucks.
Of course, one needs toys to go with the tractor…picked up a John Deere 709 Rotary Cutter (4” cutting capacity for those larger saplings that are still haunting our place). This thing is a beast.
View attachment 56107
looks badass

Had a L175, L3200, and an late 90's L series forgot the exact model #. I currently own a honda ATV, no tractor. Outside of buying more land or building a new home, I wont be buying a tractor.

If I were to buy another tractor, it would be a little BX. Probably a loader and belly mower and thats it. Mainly because I am getting older and can't get parts for me. Level land, mow small plots, drag firewood out, move rocks or lift heavy things.

Mahindra is a very large company, they may be ok. I think under 50hp Kubota is king. What I look for with any significant purchase these days is parts. Can I get them online, can I get them at all. More and more thing you purchase these days do not have user serviceable parts. Means dealer only and no over the counter. People who use their equipment directly to make a living will put up a fight. But, it the end it'll be a fight lost likely. That would be my one hesitation before heading to the kubota dealer. Have to do my homework.

A significant future purchase for me will likely be my own zero turn mowr. Borrow my father in laws next door. He gives me the stare down when I use it like I use it. Cutting taller grass, cleaning up the brush edges.
My son in law’s father has a fairly new Kubota - 75 hp. He said when it does the exhaust system cleaning sequence, it looses power. I dont know - says he is going to trade it on a JD because of it. I dont notice any loss in power when my JD does it. What is the story?
I'm at 92 hours on the MX and have worked through 3 recharge cycles so far. I haven't noticed any loss of power and once was carrying a 2000# (loaded and weighted) Tar River 507.
Just ran the RPMs where the idiot light was happy and kept working all three times. When the no till was on was probably the most "work" for it.
Of course, one needs toys to go with the tractor…picked up a John Deere 709 Rotary Cutter (4” cutting capacity for those larger saplings that are still haunting our place). This thing is a beast.
View attachment 56107
What width is that and how many pto hp do you need to run it?
What width is that and how many pto hp do you need to run it?
7 Foot. The OEM manual shows 37 PTO, the on-line manual shows 45 PTO. Not sure what or when they changed the HP recommendation since the gearbox is the same throughout production, although the later ones have a different slip clutch. Definitely for a utility tractor or larger.
I find it "odd" that we do not have more Maharinda tractor owners on this site. I think they have had some pretty good sales on their products.....and offer a pretty attractive price point for an occasional user. I think our local dealer has sold quite a few tractors over the past 10 years. Not my cup of tea.....but I am surprised... none the less.

I listed the the top 5 selling tractors in in the US in order of sales. Yeah, surprised at Mahindra also.
For home use a '96 JD 345. For the hunting camp- a '42 Ford 2N.