What’s causing this?


5 year old buck +
I was up spraying my trees and I noticed some had brown spots or brown partially covering their leaves. Other trees were all green with no brown spots. Any ideas what is causing this?7BA91B08-1D6F-4631-96F5-0E180BF33DA3.jpeg5D8C7AA4-584E-4242-98A0-836EB0B69DF4.jpeg
Probably a touch of Apple Scab. I personally wouldnt be too concerned if that is the extent of the discoloration.
I took a close look at the rest and it’s only a handful that have it. I did find 1 tree that had leafed out and now all the leaves turned brown and wilted. This is a Chanango that hasn’t grown much. I think it’s moving on to apple tree heaven. It was a bareroot that I put in the ground from SLN in 15. Only has grown to head high never has fruited. Guess it was doomed from the start. FD7CD2A1-3C85-43AD-91F2-F47A149F3B6F.jpeg
Ouch... I think you're right about apple tree heaven being in this ones future. I sure looks well cared for, but there always seems to be one or two that struggle. I have no clue what is going on there.
The dead one, I'd guess a boring insect. I had a tree starting to look like that last visit to my parents' farm. I found a little fine sawdust on the graft union but I couldn't see any hole. I figure it'll be dead and brown when I visit tomorrow. That was a nice scab resistant crab too, PRI 77-1. I might have another PRI 77-1 on dwarf stock but I lost the labeling on those.