I get where the OP is coming from on this... I have a couple plots that are more wet than what was stated. I am talking after the spring melt 10 to 12 inches of water. By the time June/July roles around it's completely dry to till and plant an annual. On those plots I plant oats, rye and clover. They are my BEST plots period in the month of oct and nov. It sounds like the OP doesn't have it as bad as I do. Sometimes we only have certain areas we can put a plot and we have to work with a less than ideal situation. If it's completely dry from June until the next spring, then he can really plant pretty much anything besides spring annuals. But cereal grains, clover, brassicas all can be successful options. I wouldn't worry to much about it. I feel like sometimes everyone forgets it's ok to do things in less than ideal conditions. Not every plot needs proper drainage, correct ph, organic matter, etc. do all of those things help make it more successful.... absolutely but at the end of the day it's a food plot and it doesn't have to be perfect and if it serves a nitch for 3 - 5 months of the year. That's all that matters.