Went AWOL, now back


5 year old buck +
Checked cameras earlier today and got a picture of this guy. I’m pretty sure he was around in 2019, and was here often but never saw him on cam last year that I recall.
He sure looks nice this year!4E2EF5E1-B3A3-4DF5-9AC5-7F7F46D07267.jpeg47E9EAB8-8F13-43AC-82B2-D0A9B775FE68.jpegF5B8E7BD-A734-4E3D-97C2-B08437879167.jpegI got him on multiple cameras that morning about 450-500 yards apart. He’s lending a hand in patterning himself.
He’s a dandy. Good luck with him.
Good mass!
Yeah he's real cool lookin. I don't think I've ever had a buck go awol for a whole year only to return. Kinda sad.