Weedwack before glyphosate?


Yearling... With promise
I have some large overgrown areas I want to burn off.

Some of the areas are 3-4 foot tall grass and weeds.

Should I go in there with a weedwacker and cut this all down or should I go straight to glyphosate.

Thanks guys
You want to burn with fire now?
No fire. Was refering to glyphosate.
My experience with gly on tall/thick stuff is that it will need two sprayings. The higher vegetation tends to catch most of the gly the first time and then the lower stuff pops up through the dead a few weeks later. This is fine by me as I like a lot thatch for most of what I do. Mowing first would probably give a better kill if you waited long enough for the thatch to set down some and the mowed plants to recover a little and start actively growing again.
Would I be able to weedwack and then gly right after? Or would I need to wait a week? I can't get a brush cutter or lawn mower in there yet.
If you weed whack or mow you are going to cover all lower vegetation with debries which will also limit the 1st gly spraying from reaching the lower vegetation.

It will also eliminate all the surface area like leaves and stems from the higher vegetation minimizing the area for spray contact..

Go and spray everything once without cutting. then wait two weeks and spray again.

Don't over think. just spray. between the 1st & 2nd spraying you can broadcast your seen.
Weeds are the most susceptible to gly when they are young, and actively growing. When weeds get tall, they also tend to protect each other and it is hard to get a nice even application. So, the question becomes timing. My preference is to mow first but then you need to wait for about 2 weeks for the weeds to put up new growth from the root system. This also lets the weeds you mowed desiccate and for the new growth to make it though for a more even application.
Thanks guys. My only concern is planting clover to late. I live in canada and it's snowing in Oct sometimes as early as mid oct. Hope I'm not starting to late for clover/fall rye
Thanks guys. My only concern is planting clover to late. I live in canada and it's snowing in Oct sometimes as early as mid oct. Hope I'm not starting to late for clover/fall rye

I can't speak to your area, but I never expect anything from fall planted clover in my area. I always plant it with winter rye as a cover crop. The winter rye becomes the fall attractant and the clover doesn't really take off until the following spring. So, I would look for dates for planting Winter Rye in your area.


Yea that's why I'm planting the rye. I just want to get it in early enough to make sure it survives the winter.
Thanks guys. My only concern is planting clover to late. I live in canada and it's snowing in Oct sometimes as early as mid oct. Hope I'm not starting to late for clover/fall rye

Where in Canada? I travel the entire country ... east coast & west coast and as far as 2 hours north of Fort McMurray.

Put your rye out, but also you clover right away. Depending where you are at the clover will get a start, and then green up with the rye first thing next spring. That is a great fresh food source for does that are dropping fawns.
East of regina
East of regina

Broadcast your seed tomorrow, and then spray in the next few days. If you buy your clover seed right, a $30 investment will pay off big time next spring... ;)