Watering fruit trees


5 year old buck +
Not sure if I will need to water any of my fruit trees this summer. If I do, has anyone tried water them using blocks of ice? What if I froze a few gallons of water and placed that near the trunk of the tree, any thoughts?
If you are talking about a few trees Ooze Tubes seemed to work well for me.
Like where your head is at. Got my wheels spinning. Just dont think it would be practical, not sure where I could freeze 30 5gal pails of water at a time.
Right, but if I can freeze a few, then I less to water!
Technically still watering, just more time invested. Was thinking about the potential of the slow drip feed.
I'm lost. How is freezing and placing jugs of frozen water a time saver?
I've used ice for watering apple trees planted on a steep slope. Freezing the water inside plastic bags worked for me.
drill a small hole in side of 5 gal bucket and fill bucket
I load up a 325gallon poly tank in my truck and it takes two people to water efficiency one drives one walks behind truck hitting each tree with maybe 5 seconds of water this is a 1 1/2” hose being used. We can water about 150 in a hour with this setup. Thank god we only had to water about 3 times last summer. I was lucky and the rain cooperated with me for the most part. I doubt I water that planting at all next summer unless we run into an extended dry spell then it’s better to water than loose trees. I have used the 5 gallon pail and drill a small hole trick before it was fine for a few trees or maybe ones on a steep slope in need of a slower watering to prevent runoff.