Water Hemp


Yearling... With promise
I tried spraying about an acre of old cattle pasture to plant switchgrass for additional bedding cover. Water hemp took over the area and none of the switch grew. If I let this area go will other briars, broadleaf, trees and some of the switchgrass eventually break through or am I stuck with an acre of water hemp unless I spray or mow this area?. Thanks!
Need more info. When did you spray? When did you plant the switch? Where are you located? The water hemp may be glyphosate resistant. You may need to time a good spraying of liberty (Glufosinate) or a pre emergent like atrazine.

You may just need to wait. Switch grass is a slow grow plant. It may take up to 3 years to shine.

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I sprayed roundup on an area that was predominately smooth brome grass and thistle in early Spring and that area got dominated by the Water Hemp. I am located in Eastern South Dakota. I'm thinking of mowing the area in the spring and trying to re broadcast the switchgrass seed.
If you felt good about your seed coverage and didn't spray after the seed germinated, I'd just mow in mid June or early July this year.
I broadcast my switch in a drought year and thought I had a complete failure. The switch came in great two years later in the areas that I hadn't sprayed and just mowed after I thought it had all failed.
Also if it's just broadleaf weeds "water hemp" you could spray 2-4' D Amine. It won't kill grasses.
Pre emergent spray this spring - simazine or atrazine. Then spot spray as needed with a broadleaf killer- 2,4-D or dicamba and/or mow it the first year.
Second year the switch will outpace the broadleaf pressure.

Only way switch usually fails is to be completely shaded by a broadleaf or killed with herbicide.